Aug 17 Your name, Your Word is power


Father, most days I don’t feel like I’m in a battle.  I don’t see people who “seek my life,” “plot my ruin,” or who are “hiding nets” and “digging pits” for me.  Most of the time I live oblivious to the spiritual battles that go on around me.

But I believe there is a spiritual realm.

You speak about spiritual powers: rulers, authorities, and spiritual forces of evil, which have an effect on this world and on me.  It may be a battle to control the minds and hearts of people; or it may affect actual circumstances.

There are times I sense such calmness and peace in my spirit that does not come from my circumstances or the people around me.  And there are other times when the atmosphere seems charged with negativity, an oppressiveness that feels truly evil; spawning confusion, disunity and fear.

It’s hard to put into words.  But in those negative times, the waves of oppression are dispelled by calling on Your name: Lord Jesus Christ.

I can speak scripture and am encouraged, strengthened by the power in it, as if I am wielding a sword, cutting through the darkness around me.  It may seem the opposition is coming from a person or circumstance.  Still, I do not pray against that person or circumstance, but against the power using or controlling them or it.

“Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.  Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me.”  Psalms like this one help me actually visualize what I cannot see in this battle, which takes place in the spiritual realm.

I can see You, Father, answering my cry, sending help to take up weapons against this enemy power.  You pick up Your giant shield, strap on Your belt holding Your sword.  You swing Your spear and javelin back and forth to ward off the enemy while advancing to my aid.  These picture words help me “see” the fight that is before me, taking place in a realm I cannot yet see.

“May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away.”

There is a process of removing the dry, scaly outer husks of grain after it’s been harvested.  For the grain to be usable, this casing must be separated from it.  Pounding the harvested grain breaks the hull.  Then the sifter tosses the grain up into a light wind and the seed, the heavier, edible grain, falls free from the outer hull.  The breeze blows this outer piece, the chaff, aside, so the grain can be collected for food.

So now I can imagine these spiritual enemies, these powers that come against me, as the lightweight waste material, being blown away, tossed, whirled away from me, driven with the force of a powerful wind from You and Your angels.

“May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them.”

When a path is dark, I usually move more slowly to be safe.  And if it is slippery, I go even slower to keep from falling; trying to plant every step.  So I can see the evil enemy fumbling, slipping, falling, being hurt and defeated on a dark, slippery path because Your angels are pursuing them, chasing them down.

“May the net they hid entangle them.”

I can visualize the enemy placing a net so carefully to trap me, but then getting confused, turned around, falling into it themselves, becoming tangled in the cords and held fast.  Or running blindly to escape Your attack and falling into the very pit they have dug to entrap me.

When I picture these scenes as I pray, I join the battle.  I feel Your power and the defeat of the enemy.  Thank you for the peace You bring with Your victory!  “Who is like You?”  There is none.  I rejoice in You!  Amen

Psalm 35:1-10

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