June 23 Strengthen me

thoughts words deeds cross“Lord, I call to You; come quickly to me.  Hear my voice when I call to You.”

“Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” 

My mouth so often gets me into trouble.  I speak before I think.  Sometimes I hurt the ones I love.  Sometimes my mouth leads me into gossip, or even lies to make myself look better in the eyes of others.  Sometimes I reveal too much to people who don’t understand or appreciate it, like casting “pearls before swine.”

Instead, I would prefer to use my words to bless, encourage, teach, and show I care.  Help me measure out my words like precious commodities.  Teach me to take time to think before I rush into spilling out whatever is on my mind.

Especially when I am upset, Lord, it’s hard keep my mouth shut, instead of sharing my pain, frustration, or anger.  Remind me I can come to You with anything and everything.   You are the One who can offer healing, encouragement, and restoration better than anyone else.

Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil, to take part in wicked deeds with men who are evildoers; let me not eat of their delicacies.  Keep me from the snares they have laid before me, from the traps set by evildoers.  Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety.” 

Father, if something is luring me away from You, remove the worm and reveal the hook so I will not be caught and reeled in like a fish caught on a line.  If there are hidden nets or snares, show me the truth behind the lies and deceit that would coax me into the trap.

I know there are times when the evil one is out to derail me.  But there are also times when my own flesh and the world’s desires tempt me into things I should not be involved with.  Father, keep me from those things too.

I have heard that voice in my head tempting me, trying to justify behavior I know is wrong. Don’t let me even toy with the thought of wanting that, or thinking I deserve something, or that I can get away with having it.

Strengthen me with Your power: in my thoughts, my words and my actions.  In You, I take refuge.  You are my Sovereign Lord, and my eyes are fixed on You!  Amen

Psalm 141:1-10

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