July 9 You are my Refuge

battlements-1238908_1920Lord my God, I take refuge in You; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.” 

Father, I don’t use the word “refuge” too often.  But from the time I was young, I remember hearing about “refugees” escaping other countries because the circumstances they lived in were so bad they had to flee to even survive.

Some came on boats with nothing but the clothes on their backs.  They had no food, no other clothing, no source of help.  But they believed if they could only reach America, there would be hope and the possibility of a new, safe, good life.

 So a “refuge” is the place we go when we need safety, protection, relief, shelter, help, provision.   It allows security from the pursuit of danger or trouble.  Just as these people fled the threats of their government and political and physical danger to find refuge in America, so I can come to You to find relief from the onslaught of attacks against me.

The flesh, the world, and the evil one are all influences that war against Your wisdom, Your plan and Your purpose for my life.  So I ask You to come to my aid.

Defend me against all that seeks to destroy me, my godly relationships, my adoration and worship of You, my ministry in Your name, and my freedom to read and study Your Word.

The evil one seeks to keep me fearful, discouraged, frustrated, and make my faith in You waver because of difficult circumstances.  He desires my financial ruin, the destruction of my marriage, the smearing of my reputation, and personal moral failure.  The enemy is always crouching at my door, waiting to devour me.

So I ask, Arise, O Lord, in Your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies… O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure.  My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart…You will not back down from the fight, but will sharpen Your sword; and will bend and string Your bow.  You have prepared deadly weapons; and have made ready Your flaming arrows.”

And I will give thanks to You because of Your righteousness and will sing praise to Your name: The Lord Most High.”  Thank You for being my refuge; for delivering me from the hand of the evil one who comes to harm, kill, and destroy.

You are more powerful than anything he can bring against me.  You are more powerful than all the world can throw at me, or even that my flesh can tempt me with.  I trust in You.  You are my refuge.  Amen

Psalm 7:1-17

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