July 16 Robed in Righteousness

clothed-in-christThank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own. 

You know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.

I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.” 

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13Romans 3:9-26Psalm 12:1

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