Sept Even in trials…

Father, whenever I experience trouble let me be like David is here.  He is being hunted for his life, yet his words vacillate between his trouble, his faith in You, and praise for You.  He has not forgotten the trial, but his focus is more on You than it.

Lord, there are times when too cry out for Your mercy and “take refuge in the shadow of Your wings until the disaster has passed.”  There, I know I am safe from any and every trouble that befalls me.  You cover me from any danger with Your wings that offer complete and absolute protection.  I know I can trust in Your limitless strength and care.

Father, You already know the difficulties I face.  You see everything.  No one is out to kill me as was David’s case.  But I face problems just living with people because we are all so imperfect and hard to get along with.  I face trials that come with change.  Even when it is a good thing, it can be difficult to cope with change.

There is illness and death, and so many with financial and emotional suffering. Part-time jobs and the high cost of living and housing are having a devastating effect on so many.  In the midst of this, our country is filled with political divisionracial disunity and terrible abuses of authority and power.

I also have internal struggles: feelings that war within me against what I know is right and just.  And I deal with unmet expectations and unfulfilled hopes.  Some struggles are far beyond my ability to affect.

But all these things are in Your hands.  None of them are beyond your help and influence.  No matter the enemy, no matter the plot they have set against me, ”my heart is steadfast” in You.  So like David, I can pray.  “I will sing and make music” and praise You. 

I praise You that there is no other power above You.  I praise You for being Sovereign in all things.  I praise You that nothing can thwart the plans You have. 

Father, You are the Lord Most High.  There is nothing that can outdo, out power or outlast You.  There is no one as faithful as You.  So I choose to put my focus on You.  I praise and thank You with every breath I take.

choose to breathe in Your peace, Your comfort, Your wisdom, Your love.  And I breathe out praises and thanks to the One: Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Glory, Highly Exalted, my God and my King.  Amen

Psalm 57:1-11

2 thoughts on “Sept Even in trials…

  1. May our gracious Lord meet you in whatever trial you are facing. And may you see His faithfulness to you and His hand at work in your life.

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