Oct 29 In Pain, in Praise, in Prophecy Fulfilled

Father, as the first two chapters of Lamentations are acrostic poems, each new verse begins with the successive letters of the Hebrew alephbet.   What an interesting and challenging way for Jeremiah to organize his thoughts!

Hebrew_alphabetAs I read the English translation, part of the beauty of this exercise is lost on me.  Yet I wonder if I could write twenty-six thoughts aligned with the English alphabet.

I have made alphabetical lists of Your characteristics, Your names, and of things I am thankful for.  That in itself is a challenge, especially when it comes to j, q and x.  And yet Jeremiah has so much pain and sorrow, that he was able to pour it out through the alephbet twice! 

Besides the organization of thoughts that I am drawn to, one part of one verse stands out to me: …pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.”

There have been times when I too am filled with concern and overwhelmed by life.  And my words to You, my pleas to You, spill out of me without any effort at all – kind of the opposite of thoughtfully putting together an acrostic of prayer.  And yet, I sense that you honor each way of connecting with You.

Before I speak, before a word is on my lips, You already know it.  Thank You that You listen, and answer.  Thank You that You have the power and the love to answer, not like some piece of wood or stone which cannot.   And yet it was to these pieces of wood and stone the Israelites turned to for worship!

They did not believe You would truly make good on Your Word to punish according to the covenant You had made with them.

Not surprising.  There are many today who do not believe there will be a time of judgment.  They do not believe the prophecies of Daniel, and Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John.  And certainly do not believe a god known for His love, would ever be party to judgment.

But I believe Your Word, Father.  I believe there will be a time of reckoning.  And then, there will be enough of Your justice to fill volumes of alphabetical lamentations; when people realize the righteousness of Your judgment.

Maranatha!  Translation: Come Lord Jesus!  Amen

Lamentations 1:1-2:22

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