Nov 13 I am in AWE!

I am in Awe

Father, You say “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”   The Hebrew word “yare” translated as “fear” here, is used in this sentence referring to a person in an exalted position: You.  Thus, the meaning includes a reverence, a standing in awe, whereby the individual recognizes the power and position, and renders the proper respect.

iceland-1751463_640Psalm 111 reminds me that ”Great are the works of the Lord…glorious and majestic are His deeds.”   When I ponder all of creationI am amazed by Your imagination!  I am captivated by the diversity in size and color and design!  I am overwhelmed by the power of Your mountains and seas and winds.

I am in AWE!

I have traveled across the Atlantic Ocean and sailed to South America on a ship.  Both times, being in the middle of the ocean with nothing to see but water in every direction for days is humbling.  I crossed the Sanai Desert at night and stopped to marvel at the number of stars visible so far away from any source of light – amazing!

I have stood on the Alps and the Rocky Mountains to see the earth spread out so far ahead of me and felt so tiny.  In Hawaii, we saw majestic waterfalls with lush green jungleshuge whales, and schools of shiny fish swimming in the sea, beautiful flowers, and brilliantly-colored sunsets.  All this is just a part of what You do.

I am in AWE!

Besides creating and sustaining all this, You have created the intricacies of each human body: from the tiniest of cells to the immense diversity of faces and fingerprints! 

And not just our bodies, but You know the mind and spirit of each individual on the planet.   You are indescribable – uncontainable – unfathomable!  You blow my mind!

And even more wonderful, You do not just set all this in motion and then sit back to see where it goes. You involve Yourself in the life of each of Your precious creations.   You speakprotectprovideleadfeedforgivesave.  And all that You do is just and right.

You have provided us with Your written Word.   It teaches Your truth and Your character so all can know You, and Your faithfulnessYour uprightness and Your salvation.

How great and awesome You are!  “To You belongs eternal praise.”  Father, I acknowledge Your power, Your sovereignty; and give You all honor and praise!  Amen

Psalm 111:1-10

One thought on “Nov 13 I am in AWE!

  1. So interesting as today on the Hoda and Jenna show (I was at the health club and it was on tv), they talked about the five experiences of awe. Number one was awe of moral beauty (and some of the people they feel have it) and how it inspires others. I had never thought of “moral beauty” before, but it sure is true that it produces awe in me when I find it.

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