Jan 4 Promise of the Rainbow

rainbow mountains-436171_960_720Father, I have seen rainbows in the sky all my life.  They are such beautiful, delicate things.  But more than that, they are a reminder of Your promise to never again destroy the earth by water because of man’s inhumanity to man.

From our side it brings us a sense of wonder and security.  From Yours it is a sign of restraint.  It is a promise that even in Your great power, You will never again destroy all You have created by water. Your love for us is great and Your faithfulness is even greater!

Thank You for walking the earth in the flesh as Jesus.  You lived without sin to be an example for us and a Savior for all mankind.  Thank You for recording Your teachings in scripture, and for performing healings and miracles.

As You healed and gave mercy and relief from distress to the people around You then, You also answer my similar prayers now.  I so need your mercy and relief from distress.  When I am overwhelmed, You bring me peace.  When I am set upon by evil, You give me deliverance and relief.

Help me live by Your example.  Do not let me shame You with my words, actions or attitudes.  Teach me to live by the Word You have written.   Show me how to guard my thoughts and my tongue, how to treat others, and be humble.  Do not let me be deceived or misled by the evil one, but open my eyes to those lies.

Father, I believe You have set me apart for Yourself.  I trust completely that what You have planned for me is the best.  Let Your face smile on me.  Fill my heart with joy.  Give me peaceful sleep.  Keep me safe.  I trust in You.  Amen

Genesis 9:8-17Matthew 4:23-25Psalm 4:1, 8

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