Tag: judge

Nov 29 Let me be like Daniel

You are the Living God and You endure foreverYour kingdom will not be destroyed,

Your dominion will never end.

You rescue and You saveYou perform signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

You have rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

Daniel lion denO Father, do for me what You did for Daniel!  When forces come against me with contrived plans for my demise, save me from their evil strategies!  Deliver me from whatever punishment they seek to be my end.  Put people in my life who will come to my defense like King Darius, and will pay back my enemies.

Let me be like Daniel.   Make me steadfast in my faith, recognizing You are worthy to be worshipped no matter the social or political climate.  Help me be faithful to praytrusting in You no matter what.

An interesting point is that Daniel was in his eighties when he was thrown into the lion’s den.  This means that since he was taken captive as a boy in his teens, he never lost faith in You! 

He continued his prayer life and godly lifestyle all throughout his years.  He remained a man of integrity and faith.  Even those jealous of his position found him to be trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.”  Let this be true of me also.

A time is coming when lawless, ungodly men will be judged.  As the flood destroyed the earth once, You will destroy it again by fire.  But I will see a new heaven and a new earth created by Your hand.

As I await that day I want to livelike Daniel, a holy and godly life.

In the Words of the Psalmist: Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over meMake Your face shine upon Your servant and teach me Your decrees.”

Father, this is how I can live the life I desire.  With Your help, I can grow in Your grace and knowledge.  Amen

Daniel 6:1-28II Peter 3:1-13Psalm 119:133-135

Nov 6 The One True God

What a reminder Lord, that You are in control.

clouds-872143_1920You cause and end famines.  The lives of every person in the world are in Your hands.  You control the beasts, whether they are calm and docile, or whether they attack and kill.   You control armies, the leaders who deploy them, and the outcome of the battles – who lives, and who dies.  And You control disease, outbreaks, plagues; and who lives or dies by them.

All these are things You used against the Israelites.  And it is the same today 

All these things are still in Your hands

“Who can proclaim the mighty acts of The Lord or fully declare his praise?”  There is no one.  The full extent and measure of Your power is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I have seen great storms of such powerful strength that houses and trees are uprooted.  You are more powerful.

I have watched rushing waters tear up highways and destroy homes and shopping centers.  Your strength is greater.

I have seen the limits people will go to, to forgive a wrong that has harmed them greatly.  Yet Your forgiveness goes farther. 

I have seen the deep love of a mother for her new child, willing to sacrifice all for that child.  Yet Your love is deeper and greater in every way.

I cannot measure the breadth of Your mercy.  And I cannot fathom the depths of Your wrath. This is both reassuring and terrifying.

I am reassured that there is nothingabsolutely nothing, that is beyond Your control.  Which means I have nothing to fear.

Because I am blessed by Your loveYour mercyYour forgivenessYour provision.  Even when I mess up, You have provided that, I can be reconciled to You.   And my salvation is assured.

But the depths of Your wrath will be released one day.  Because You are justYou must judge.  And the very security I have, that all things are in Your control, will be the terror of those who have rejected You.

“give thanks to you, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever”.  Amen

Ezekiel 14:12-23Psalm 106:1

Nov 29 Let me be like Daniel

You are the Living God and You endure forever; Your kingdom will not be destroyed,

Your dominion will never end.

You rescue and You save; You perform signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

You have rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

Daniel lion denO Father, do for me what You did for Daniel!  When forces come against me with contrived plans for my demise, save me from their evil strategies!  Deliver me from whatever punishment they seek to be my end.  Put people in my life who will come to my defense like King Darius, and will pay back my enemies.

Let me be like Daniel.   Make me steadfast in my faith, recognizing You are worthy to be worshipped no matter the social or political climate.  Help me be faithful to pray, trusting in You no matter what.

An interesting point is that Daniel was in his eighties when he was thrown into the lion’s den.  This means that since he was taken captive as a boy in his teens, he never lost faith in You! 

He continued his prayer life and godly lifestyle all throughout his years.  He remained a man of integrity and faith.  Even those jealous of his position found him to be trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.”  Let this be true of me also.

A time is coming when lawless, ungodly men will be judged.  As the flood destroyed the earth once, You will destroy it again by fire.  But I will see a new heaven and a new earth created by Your hand.

As I await that day I want to live, like Daniel, a holy and godly life.

In the Words of the Psalmist: Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over meMake Your face shine upon Your servant and teach me Your decrees.”

Father, this is how I can live the life I desire.  With Your help, I can grow in Your grace and knowledge.  Amen

Daniel 6:1-28; II Peter 3:1-13; Psalm 119:133-135

Nov 6 The One True God

What a reminder Lord, that You are in control.

clouds-872143_1920You cause and relieve famines.  The lives of every person in the world are in Your hands.  You control the beasts, whether they are calm and docile, or whether they attack and kill.   You control armies, the leaders who deploy them, and the outcome of the battles – who lives, and who dies.  And You control disease, outbreaks, plagues; and who lives or dies by them.

All these are things You used against the Israelites.  And it is the same today 

All these things are still in Your hands

“Who can proclaim the mighty acts of The Lord or fully declare his praise?”  There is no one.  The full extent and measure of Your power is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I have seen great storms of such powerful strength that houses and trees are uprooted.  You are more powerful.

I have watched rushing waters tear up highways and destroy homes and shopping centers.  Your strength is greater.

I have seen the limits people will go to, to forgive a wrong that has harmed them greatly.  Yet Your forgiveness goes farther. 

I have seen the deep love of a mother for her new child, willing to sacrifice all for that child.  Yet Your love is deeper and greater in every way.

I cannot measure the breadth of Your mercy.  And I cannot fathom the depths of Your wrath. This is both reassuring and terrifying.

I am reassured that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is beyond Your control.  Which means I have nothing to fear.

I am blessed by Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your provision.  Even when I mess up, You have provided that, I can be reconciled to You.   And my salvation is assured.

But the depths of Your wrath will be released one day.  Because You are just, You must judge.  And the very security I have, that all things are in Your control, will be the terror of those who have rejected You.

I “give thanks to you, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever”.  Amen

Ezekiel 14:12-23; Psalm 106:1

Nov 29 Let me be like Daniel

You are the Living God and You endure forever; Your kingdom will not be destroyed,

Your dominion will never end

You rescue and You save; You perform signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. 

You have rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” 

Daniel lion denO Father, do for me what You did for Daniel!  When forces come against me with contrived plans for my demise, save me from their evil strategies!  Deliver me from whatever punishment they seek to be my end.  Put people in my life who will come to my defense like King Darius, and will pay back my enemies.

Let me be like Daniel.   Make me steadfast in my faith, recognizing You are worthy to be worshipped no matter the social or political climate.  Help me be faithful to pray, trusting in You no matter what.

An interesting point is that Daniel was in his eighties when he was thrown into the lion’s den.  This means that since he was taken captive as a boy in his teens, he never lost faith in You! 

He continued his prayer life and godly lifestyle all throughout his years.  He remained a man of integrity and faith.  Even those jealous of his position found him to be trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.”  Let this be true of me also.

A time is coming when lawless, ungodly men will be judged.  As the flood destroyed the earth once, You will destroy it again by fire.  But I will see a new heaven and a new earth created by Your hand.

As I await that day I want to live, like Daniel, a holy and godly life.

In the Words of the Psalmist: Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over meMake Your face shine upon Your servant and teach me Your decrees.”

Father, this is how I can live the life I desire.  With Your help, I can grow in Your grace and knowledge.  Amen

Daniel 6:1-28; II Peter 3:1-13; Psalm 119:133-135

Nov 6 The One True God

What a reminder Lord, that You are in control.

You cause and relieve famines.  The lives of every person in the world are in Your hands.  You control the beasts, whether they are calm and docile, or whether they attack and kill.   You control armies, the leaders who deploy them, and the outcome of the battles – who lives, and who dies.  And You control disease, outbreaks, plagues; and who lives or dies by them.

All these are things You used against the Israelites.  And it is the same today

All these things are still in Your hands

 “Who can proclaim the mighty acts of The Lord or fully declare his praise?”  There is no one.  The full extent and measure of Your power is beyond my ability to comprehend. 

I have seen great storms of such powerful strength that houses and trees are uprooted.  You are more powerful. 

I have watched rushing waters tear up highways and destroy homes and shopping centers.  Your strength is greater. 

I have seen the limits people will go to, to forgive a wrong that has harmed them greatly.  Yet Your forgiveness goes farther. 

I have seen the deep love of a mother for her new child, willing to sacrifice all for that child.  Yet Your love is deeper and greater in every way.

I cannot measure the breadth of Your mercy.  And I cannot fathom the depths of Your wrath. This is both reassuring and terrifying. 

I am reassured that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is beyond Your control.  Which means I have nothing to fear. 

I am blessed by Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your provision.  Even when I mess up, You have provided that, I can be reconciled to You.   And my salvation is assured.

But the depths of Your wrath will be released one day.  Because You are just, You must judge.  And the very security I have, that all things are in Your control, will be the terror of those who have rejected You. 

I “give thanks to you, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever”.  Amen

Ezekiel 14:12-23; Psalm 106:1

Nov 28 Santa or Sovereign?

Father, so much of the world looks for a god who is like Santa Clause.

christmas-1808549_640They want someone who is happy, always smiling, and will give them whatever they ask for.  They like to speak of love for everyone and unending tolerance.  But You are a Holy God.  And because of that You will have justice for all or there would be love for none.

King Belshazzar was judged by You, and You removed him from his position of power and took his life.  You judged Your angels, and threw them into hell to await final judgment.  You judged Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed the cities and the evil people who lived there.  And You judged the ancient world when You sent the great flood, saving only eight people to continue mankind.

The Psalmist thought it was time for You to act against the evil people of his day.  They are described as evil-minded, wicked, arrogant, ones who have divided loyalties and violated Your instructions.

And in the hundreds of years since then, there has been so much injustice and evil done in the world, it is hard to believe You will hold off judgment much longer.

But Father, You know how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.”  “You are my refuge and my shield; Your Word is my source of hope.”  You will “sustain me,” “rescue,” “deal with me with unfailing love,” and “give me discernment.”   

Like the psalmist, I am instructed and strengthened by You, I will “obey the commands of My God,” “meditate continually on Your decrees,” and “understand Your laws.”  For truly “I am Your servant…I tremble in fear of You; I stand in awe of Your regulations.”

I believe Your teaching that there will come a day when You will reign over all the earth; and a final judgment will be handed down by Your righteous hand.

Father, until that day, keep me safe within Your Word.  And keep me faithful to You, like Daniel.  Amen

Daniel 5:1-31; II Peter 2:4-9; Psalm 119:113-128

Nov 6 You are in Control

What a reminder Lord, that You are in control.

clouds-872143_1920You cause and relieve famines.  The lives of every person in the world are in Your hands.  You control the beasts, whether they are calm and docile, or whether they attack and kill.   You control armies, the leaders who deploy them, and the outcome of the battles – who lives, and who dies.  And You control disease, outbreaks, plagues; and who lives or dies by them.

All these are things You used against the Israelites.  And it is the same today.

All these things are still in Your hands

“Who can proclaim the mighty acts of The Lord or fully declare his praise?”  There is no one.  The full extent and measure of Your power is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I have seen great storms of such powerful strength that houses and trees are uprooted.  You are more powerful.

I have watched rushing waters tear up highways and destroy homes and shopping centers.  Your strength is greater.

I have seen the limits people will go to, to forgive a wrong that has harmed them greatly.  Yet Your forgiveness goes farther. 

I have seen the deep love of a mother for her new child, willing to sacrifice all for that child.  Yet Your love is deeper and greater in every way.

I cannot measure the breadth of Your mercy.  And I cannot fathom the depths of Your wrath. This is both reassuring and terrifying.

I am reassured that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is beyond Your control.  Which means I have nothing to fear.

I am blessed by Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your provision.  Even when I mess up, You have provided that, I can be reconciled to You.   And my salvation is assured.

But the depths of Your wrath will be released one day.  Because You are just, You must judge.  And the very security I have, that all things are in Your control, will be the terror of those who have rejected You.

I “give thanks to you, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever”.  Amen

Ezekiel 14:12-23; Psalm 106:1

Sept 6 A day of rejoicing

O Father, Your Word paints a glorious picture of You returning to judge Your people!

I can see it in my mind’s eye as a massive, wall-sized painting… with rays of light gleaming from Your figure, and shadows playing in the storm clouds around You with strikes of lightening flashing out.  Just like one of the old masters’ paintings – like Michelangelo’s ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


Or maybe as a majestic motion picture, with powerful, turbulent action between the fire and the oncoming storm like Cecil B. DeMille’s Ten Commandments.

When I speak Your Words, the action begins in my mind’s eye as You appear in slow motion:  “The Mighty One… God… The Lord… You speak and summon the earth…You are perfect in beauty, You shine forth…A fire devours before You and around You a tempest rages…the heavens proclaim Your Righteousness.”  The most beautiful, powerful being imaginable appears in the sky, advancing slowly.

Flames precede You, lashing out with almost blinding light and incredible heat.  And around You, clouds, dark and terrible, build; billowing and blowing, roiling up and out, far and wide, with flashes of lightening streaking across the sky.

From the darkness of the storm, rays of light shine forth out of Your very being.  Your voice thunders through the heavens and rumbles down to the earth causing the rocks and ground to tremble.   And in the background, the booming voices of ten thousand angels singing out, glorifying You!

“The heavens proclaim His righteousness” and I fall on my knees in reverence to join in the praise to honor You.

What a day of rejoicing that will be!  To be in Your presence.  To see You in Your glory.  What a powerful vision!  To You, I offer all my praise.  Amen

Psalm 50:1-7

Nov 28 Santa or Sovereign

Father, so much of the world looks for a god who is like Santa Clause.


They want someone who is happy, always smiling, and will give them whatever they ask for.  They like to speak of love for everyone and unending tolerance.  But You are a Holy God.  And because of that You will have justice for all or there would be love for none.

King Belshazzar was judged by You, and You removed him from his position of power and took his life.  You judged Your angels, and threw them into hell to await final judgment.  You judged Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed the cities and the evil people who lived there.  And You judged the ancient world when You sent the great flood, saving only eight people to continue mankind.

The Psalmist thought it was time for You to act against the evil people of his day.  They are described as evil-minded, wicked, arrogant, ones who have divided loyalties and violated Your instructions.

And in the hundreds of years since then, there has been so much injustice and evil done in the world, it is hard to believe You will hold off judgment much longer.

But Father, You know how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.”  “You are my refuge and my shield; Your Word is my source of hope.”  You will “sustain me,” “rescue,” “deal with me with unfailing love,” and “give me discernment.”   

As is the psalmist, I am instructed and strengthened by You, I will “obey the commands of My God,” “meditate continually on Your decrees,” and “understand Your laws.”  For truly “I am Your servant…I tremble in fear of You; I stand in awe of Your regulations.”

I believe Your teaching that there will come a day when You will reign over all the earth; and a final judgment will be handed down by Your righteous hand.

Father, until that day, keep me safe within Your Word.  And keep me faithful to You, like Daniel.  Amen

Daniel 5:1-31; II Peter 2:4-9; Psalm 119:113-128

Nov 6 The One True God

What a reminder Lord, that You are in control.


You cause and relieve famines.  The lives of every person in the world are in Your hands.  You control the beasts, whether they are calm and docile, or whether they attack and kill.   You control armies, the leaders who deploy them, and the outcome of the battles – who lives, and who dies.  And You control disease, outbreaks, plagues; and who lives or dies by them.

All these are things You used against the Israelites.  And it is the same today.  All these things are still in Your hands 

“Who can proclaim the mighty acts of The Lord or fully declare his praise?”  There is no one.  The full extent and measure of Your power is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I have seen great storms of such powerful strength that houses and trees are uprooted.  You are more powerful.

I have watched rushing waters tear up highways and destroy homes and shopping centers.  Your strength is greater.

I have seen the limits people will go to, to forgive a wrong that has harmed them greatly.  Yet Your forgiveness goes farther.

I have seen the deep love of a mother for her new child, willing to sacrifice all for that child.  Yet Your love is deeper and greater in every way.

I cannot measure the breadth of Your mercy.  And I cannot fathom the depths of Your wrath. This is both reassuring and terrifying.  I am reassured that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is beyond Your control.  Which means I have nothing to fear.

I am blessed by Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your provision.  Even when I mess up, You have provided that, I can be reconciled to You.   And my salvation is assured.

But the depths of Your wrath will be released one day.  Because You are just, You must judge.  And the very security I have, that all things are in Your control, will be the terror of those who have rejected You.

I “give thanks to you, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever”.  Amen

Ezekiel 14:12-23; Psalm 106:1-12

Apr 16 Your voice, not the world’s

Lord, let me and let my sons be like Caleb and Joshua.

ToHear God's Voice

They spied out the Promised Land and saw all the goodness there.   They also saw the enemy for who they were, but knew that You would give victory and deliver them according to Your Word.

They held to their convictions and lived a long life receiving all You had promised.  Even in their old age, they were strong and vigorous because they served You wholeheartedly.

I know that both goodness and enemies lie before me.  But I know if I serve You wholeheartedly, I will receive all You promise.  Your will, Your plan will not be thwarted.  Even in my old age, help me be faithful, and I will be blessed and receive an inheritance from You.

Father, let me also be like the widow who made her plea to the judge so persistently that she received the justice she wanted.  Let my faith be that I will not give up, but always lift my concerns and needs to You in prayer.

When You return, let me be found faithful, continuing in prayer, not being dissuaded by circumstances or the influences of this world.

Also, Lord, keep me mindful that my only righteousness comes from You, so I will not look down on anyone else, but remain humble.  I am ever dependent on You, on Your mercy and on Your grace for my life and all that I have.  Thank You for Your faithfulness – to warriors, to widows, to me.  Amen

Joshua 14:6-15; Luke 18:1-14