Tag: see

Mar 25 Help me see

eyeglasses-2003188_640Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

And the second illustrates how I sometimes try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life when I have bigger problems in my own life.

How many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am?   

Rather than coming to You, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.

In both these examples, I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life and seek Your help in correcting my own issues.

Your last illustration shows how important it is that when I come to You for “vision” I need to be obedient to what You tell me. You and Your wisdom and faithfulness build the foundation for my faith.  And in times like these, a firm foundation is absolutely necessary.

During these times of crisis and challenge, we need to know what our faith is based on.  And that its foundation is sure and reliable.  Father, You are that sure foundation that will keep us from collapsing.

Open my eyes of understanding.  I choose to turn – not to other blind people – but to the Creator who made my eyes and gives me sight.  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Click here to hear and sing along with God I Look to You

Nov 5 Nothing is hidden from You

ear-2372090_640Father, one way You characterize Your people, the Israelites, is that “they are a rebellious people.” They did not worship only You.  They brought in other pagan practices, worshipped idols, did not accept Your instruction or correction, and denied Your true prophets and the prophecies.  They were guilty of going their own way.

It was clear, Lord, that You could see what they were doing even when they thought it was in secret.  And You paid back those who prophesied falsely and those who disheartened Your people with lies.  You knew their actions, their motives, their thoughts. 

There is nothing hidden from You.

And the same is true today, Lord.

Before a word is even on my lips, You know it.  You know me inside and out.  There is nothing I can do in secret that You are not already aware of.   Once again, as it always has been: nothing is hidden from You.

Holy Father, when something else starts to take Your place in my life or in my heart, show me immediately so I can repent and turn away from it.

You also said of Your people:  “They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear.”

Father, I want to see and hear You.  Help me receive Your instruction in obedience and Your correction in humility.  Help me understand how the prophecies You have given affect how I am to live.  If You see me participating in something I should not, show me immediately so I can turn from it.

If I go my own way from impatience when waiting to hear from You, help me wait patiently.  If it is in disobedience and rebellion, show me my error, and how to get back on Your path.

Father, Ezekiel was Your man.  He heard from You in a real way.  And he was obedient.  I want to be like Ezekiel in this way.  Let me hear from You in a real way.  And guide me to be obedient. 

I desire to worship You and only You.  Amen

Ezekiel 12:1-13:23

Sept 10 Give me understanding

hiking-691846_640Father, what a vision You gave Isaiah!  It’s as if he were privileged to peek into the actual Throne Room in Heaven itself!  His eyes were opened and he saw and described amazing things that are like nothing ever seen on earth.

And once again, when confronted with glimpses of Your glorythe human response is the recognition of our unworthiness.  In the presence of such greatness and holiness, human frailty pales in comparison.

You gave Isaiah a message for Your people.  You directed him to say to King Ahaz in the face of military invasion:  “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”  

It was true then, and it is true today.   A paraphrase I heard growing up was “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything.” 

Because I believe You are God, Creator of the universe and the only Savior for all who You created, I can stand on You, a firm and solid rock.

How do I do that?

1 – It helps to have scripture verses that remind me of these truths.  “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1  “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  Psalm 23:1

– It helps to remember statements of truth that are based on scripture.  “God is who He says He is.  God can do what He says He can do.”

3 – Or to proclaim in song, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

These are some ways I find reassurance when I feel afraid or doubtful.

Father, I do not want to be “ever hearing but never understanding; ever seeing but never perceiving”, with my “heart calloused”, my “ears dull”, and my “eyes closed.”  I want to “see with my eyes, hear with my ears and understand with my heart…and be healed.”

When You open my eyes and ears, I have understanding.  And I can stand.  Father, help me stand even in the face of the invasion of the enemy.

Help me remember Your truths.  Help me recall Your faithfulness to me in the past.  These things build my faith even stronger.  And give me a firm place to stand.  Amen

Isaiah 6:1-10; 7:9

Mar 25 Help me see

eyeglasses-2003188_640 Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

And the second illustrates how I sometimes try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life when I have bigger problems in my own life.

How many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am?   

Rather than coming to You, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.

In both these examples, I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life and seek Your help in correcting my own issues.

Your last illustration shows how important it is that when I come to You for “vision” I need to be obedient to what You tell me. You and Your wisdom and faithfulness build the foundation for my faith.  And in times like these, a firm foundation is absolutely necessary.

During these times of crisis and challenge, we need to know what our faith is based on.  And that its foundation is sure and reliable.  Father, You are that sure foundation that will keep us from collapsing.

Open my eyes of understanding.  I choose to turn – not to other blind people – but to the Creator who made my eyes and gives me sight.  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Nov 5 Nothing is hidden from You

ear-2372090_640Father, one way You characterize Your people, the Israelites, is that “they are a rebellious people.” They did not worship only You.  They brought in other pagan practices, worshipped idols, did not accept Your instruction or correction, and denied Your true prophets and the prophecies.  They were guilty of going their own way.

It was clear, Lord, that You could see what they were doing even when they thought it was in secret.  And You paid back those who prophesied falsely and those who disheartened Your people with lies.  You knew their actions, their motives, their thoughts. 

There is nothing hidden from You.

And the same is true today, Lord.

Before a word is even on my lips, You know it.  You know me inside and out.  There is nothing I can do in secret that You are not already aware of.   Once again, as it always has been: nothing is hidden from You.

Holy Father, when something else starts to take Your place in my life or in my heart, show me immediately so I can repent and turn away from it.

You also said of Your people:  “They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear.”

Father, I want to see and hear You.  Help me receive Your instruction in obedience and Your correction in humility.  Help me understand how the prophecies You have given affect how I am to live.  If You see me participating in something I should not, show me immediately so I can turn from it.

If I go my own way from impatience when waiting to hear from You, help me wait patiently.  If it is in disobedience and rebellion, show me my error, and how to get back on Your path.

Father, Ezekiel was Your man.  He heard from You in a real way.  And he was obedient.  I want to be like Ezekiel in this way.  Let me hear from You in a real way.  And guide me to be obedient. 

I desire to worship You and only You.  Amen

Ezekiel 12:1-13:23

Sept 10 Give me understanding

hiking-691846_640Father, what a vision You gave Isaiah!  It’s as if he were privileged to peek into the actual Throne Room in Heaven itself!  His eyes were opened and he saw and described amazing things that are like nothing ever seen on earth.

And once again, when confronted with glimpses of Your glory, the human response is the recognition of our unworthiness.  In the presence of such greatness and holiness, human frailty pales in comparison.

You gave Isaiah a message for Your people.  You directed him to say to King Ahaz in the face of military invasion:  “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”  

It was true then, and it is true today.   A paraphrase I heard growing up was “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything.” 

Because I believe You are God, Creator of the universe and the only Savior for all who You created, I can stand on You, a firm and solid rock.

How do I do that?

1 – It helps to have scripture verses that remind me of these truths.  “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1  “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  Psalm 23:1

2 – It helps to remember statements of truth that are based on scripture.  “God is who He says He is.  God can do what He says He can do.”

3 – Or to proclaim in song, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

These are some ways I find reassurance when I feel afraid or doubtful.

Father, I do not want to be “ever hearing but never understanding; ever seeing but never perceiving”, with my “heart calloused”, my “ears dull”, and my “eyes closed.”  I want to “see with my eyes, hear with my ears and understand with my heart…and be healed.”

When You open my eyes and ears, I have understanding.  And I can stand.  Father, help me stand even in the face of the invasion of the enemy.

Help me remember Your truths.  Help me recall Your faithfulness to me in the past.  These things build my faith even stronger.  And give me a firm place to stand.  Amen

Isaiah 6:1-10; 7:9

Mar 25 Help me see

eyeglasses-2003188_640Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

And the second illustrates how I sometimes try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life when I have bigger problems in my own life.

How many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am?   

Rather than coming to You, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.

In both these examples, I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life and seek Your help in correcting my own issues.

Your last illustration shows how important it is that when I come to You for “vision” I need to be obedient to what You tell me. You and Your wisdom and faithfulness build the foundation for my faithAnd in times like these, a firm foundation is absolutely necessary.

During these times of crisis and challenge, we need to know what our faith is based on.  And that its foundation is sure and reliable.  Father, You are that sure foundation that will keep us from collapsing.

Open my eyes of understanding.  I choose to turn – not to other blind people – but to the Creator who made my eyes and gives me sight.  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Nov 5 Nothing is hidden from You

ear-2372090_640Father, one way You characterize Your people, the Israelites, is that “they are a rebellious people.” They did not worship only You.  They brought in other pagan practices, worshipped idols, did not accept Your instruction or correction, and denied Your true prophets and the prophecies.  They were guilty of going their own way.

It was clear, Lord, that You could see what they were doing even when they thought it was in secret.  And You paid back those who prophesied falsely and those who disheartened Your people with lies.  You knew their actions, their motives, their thoughts. 

There is nothing hidden from You. 

And the same is true today, Lord.

Before a word is even on my lips, You know it.  You know me inside and out.  There is nothing I can do in secret that You are not already aware of.   Once again, as it always has been: nothing is hidden from You.

Holy Father, when something else starts to take Your place in my life or in my heart, show me immediately so I can repent and turn away from it.

You also said of Your people:  “They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear.”

Father, I want to see and hear You.  Help me receive Your instruction in obedience and Your correction in humility.  Help me understand how the prophecies You have given affect how I am to live.  If You see me participating in something I should not, show me immediately so I can turn from it.

If I go my own way from impatience when waiting to hear from You, help me wait patiently.  If it is in disobedience and rebellion, show me my error, and how to get back on Your path.

Father, Ezekiel was Your man.  He heard from You in a real way.  And he was obedient.  I want to be like Ezekiel in this way.  Let me hear from You in a real way.  And guide me to be obedient. 

I desire to worship You and only You.  Amen

Ezekiel 12:1-13:23

Sept 10 Give me understanding

hiking-691846_640Father, what a vision You gave Isaiah!  It’s as if he were privileged to peek into the actual Throne Room in Heaven itself!  His eyes were opened and he saw and described amazing things that are like nothing ever seen on earth.

And once again, when confronted with glimpses of Your glory, the human response is the recognition of our unworthiness.  In the presence of such greatness and holiness, human frailty pales in comparison.

You gave Isaiah a message for Your people.  You directed him to say to King Ahaz in the face of military invasion:  “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”  

It was true then, and it is true today.   A paraphrase I heard growing up was “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything.” 

Because I believe You are God, Creator of the universe and the only Savior for all who You created, I can stand on You, a firm and solid rock.

How do I do that?

1 – It helps to have scripture verses that remind me of these truths.  “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1  “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  Psalm 23:1

2 – It helps to remember statements of truth that are based on scripture.  “God is who He says He is.  God can do what He says He can do.”

3 – Or to proclaim in song, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”  These are some ways I find reassurance when I feel afraid or doubtful.

Father, I do not want to be “ever hearing but never understanding; ever seeing but never perceiving”, with my “heart calloused”, my “ears dull”, and my “eyes closed.”  I want to “see with my eyes, hear with my ears and understand with my heart…and be healed.”

When You open my eyes and ears, I have understanding.  And I can stand.  Father, help me stand even in the face of the invasion of the enemy.

Help me remember Your truths.  Help me recall Your faithfulness to me in the past.  These things build my faith even stronger.  And give me a firm place to stand.  Amen

Isaiah 6:1-10; 7:9

Mar 25 Help me see


Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

And the second illustrates how I sometimes try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life when I have bigger problems in my own life.

How many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am?

Rather than coming to You, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.

In both these examples, I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life and seek Your help in correcting my own issues.

Your last illustration shows how important it is that when I come to You for “vision” I need to be obedient to what You tell me. You and Your wisdom and faithfulness build the foundation for my faith.  And in times like these, a firm foundation is absolutely necessary.

During these times of crisis and challenge, we need to know what our faith is based on.  And that its foundation is sure and reliable.  Father, You are that sure foundation that will keep us from collapsing.

Open my eyes of understanding.  I choose to turn – not to other blind people – but to the Creator who made my eyes and gives me sight.  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Nov 5 Nothing hidden from You

ear-2372090_640Father, one way You characterize Your people, the Israelites, is that “they are a rebellious people.” They did not worship only You.  They brought in other pagan practices, worshipped idols, did not accept Your instruction or correction, and denied Your true prophets and the prophecies.  They were guilty of going their own way.

It was clear, Lord, that You could see what they were doing even when they thought it was in secret.  And You paid back those who prophesied falsely and those who disheartened Your people with lies.  You knew their actions, their motives, their thoughts. 

There is nothing hidden from You. 

And the same is true today, Lord.

Before a word is even on my lips, You know it.  You know me inside and out.  There is nothing I can do in secret that You are not already aware of.   Once again, as it always has been: nothing is hidden from You.

Holy Father, When something else starts to take Your place in my life or in my heart, show me immediately so I can repent and turn away from it.

You also said of Your people:  “They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear.”

Father, I want to see and hear You.  Help me receive Your instruction in obedience; and Your correction in humility.  Help me understand how the prophecies You have given affect how I am to live.  If You see me participating in something I should not, show me immediately so I can turn from it.

If I go my own way from impatience when waiting to hear from You, help me wait patiently.  If it is in disobedience and rebellion, show me my error, and how to get back on Your path.

Father, Ezekiel was Your man.  He heard from You in a real way.  And he was obedient.  I want to be like Ezekiel in this way.  Let me hear from You in a real way.  And guide me to be obedient. 

I desire to worship You and only You.  Amen

Ezekiel 12:1-13:23

June 21 In You I am made and known

Oh Father!  There is no person or created being like You!  Nothing on earth, or beneath the earth, or in the heavens above.

sunset june 21There is no other who knows me inside and out.  Although billions and billions of people have lived, You are personally familiar with who I am.  You recognize me; know what I do, when I come and where I go, when I lie down and when I get up.

You also know me on the inside: my thoughts, my mind, my heart, and my  motivation for all I do.  Before I form a sentence, You know what I will say before I speak it.

You are everywhere at all times.  There is no place to hide from Your presence.  I could go as far as is humanly possible, into the depths of the earth, or beneath the sea, or out into the vastness of space beyond the other planets and stars; and You would already be there.

There is nothing that can conceal me from Your watchful eye.  Even darkness does not prevent You from seeing me.

In one way, You are like a parent who knows their child.  A parent learns the aptitudes and personality of their child so well that the child’s actions do not surprise the parent.  Even motivation can be seen sometimes because children are often so transparent in their behaviors.

Because they are younger and they have limited ability to think and reason, a parent can often protect and teach them.  But You are much more than simply older and wiser than me.  As a child is amazed by the power and ability and wisdom of a parent, I am amazed by You – to the zillionth power!

In Your sovereignty and power, You created my body, my mind, my spirit – before I was even born.  You formed all that would be me in my mother’s womb.  How amazing is that?

By Your design I have two hands with the ability to work and craft, and gently hold a baby.  By Your design I have two eyes that can see the wonder You created in the beauty of the earth: flowers, birds, mountains, oceans, a sunrise.  You gave me ears to hear, a brain that thinks, and a mouth that speaks.

You chose when I would be born, where, and to whom.  And You will close my eyes when my time on earth is ended.

In all this, You gave me the ability to know You.  As You reveal Yourself to me in Your Word, and as we communicate in prayer, I am blown away by who You are.  Your thoughts, Your creativity defy human imagination and understanding.  They are too wonderful for me.  And I am blessed beyond measure to know You.

Continue to lead me, teach me, test me, mature me, Father.  Know me.  And let me know You.  Amen

Psalm 139:1-24

Mar 25 Help me see

eyeglasses-2003188_640Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

And the second illustrates how I sometimes try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life when I have bigger problems in my own life.

How many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am?

Rather than coming to You, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.

In both these examples, I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life and seek Your help in correcting my own issues.

Your last illustration shows how important it is that when I come to You for “vision” I am obedient to what You tell me. Obedience and Your faithfulness build the foundation for my faith.  And in times like these, a firm foundation absolutely necessary.

During this crisis we need to know what our faith is based on.  And that its foundation is sure and reliable.  Father, You are that sure foundation that will keep us from collapsing.

I choose to turn – not to other blind people – but to the Creator who made me eyes and gives me sight.  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Mar 25 Help me see

eyeglasses-2003188_640Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision.

Yet, how many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is “in the dark” as much as I am when it comes to seeing things from Your perspective?  Rather than coming to You, I seek help from another “blind” person who is in no better spiritual position than I am.

Interesting that Your next illustration has to do with vision too.  Contrasting when I go to another for help, this next one shows that when I try and “help” someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life.

There’s a good chance I have bigger problems in my own life that should be a priority for my attention.  Only after my own bigger problems are dealt with can I see well enough to be of help to anyone else, should they ask.

In both these examples, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth.  I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life.  And before I look too closely at a friend’s life and shortcomings, I need to examine myself.  And then, again, seek Your help in correcting the issues I find there.

Another example You give has to do with how I act on what You tell me when I turn to You for the “vision” I lack.  It’s not enough to simply call on You for guidance.  It’s also imperative that I listen for Your response and do what You say!

Otherwise, all I do is based on my own, unreliable, limited understanding and will fold in on me like a house built with no foundation.

Father, I desire to obey You so my efforts won’t be wasted; so what I do has a firm foundation, and will stand solid against any difficulty or challenge that comes.   And the challenges will come.  You are the solid foundation I can put my trust in and gain confidence from.

Open my eyes of understanding.  Do not let me turn to other blind people, but to the One who made my eyes and gives me sight.

And I will be glad and rejoice with You; happy and joyful!  Amen

Luke 6:39-49

Mar 25 Help me see



Lord thank You for these pictures in scripture about the ability to see truth for what it is and to understand the meaning behind being a follower of Christ.


Your first picture reminds me that although a blind person who cannot see can help another blind person, there are blocks they will both stumble over due to their lack of vision. Yet, how many times have I relied on the advice and guidance of another person, who is ‘in the dark’ as much as I am when it comes to seeing things from Your perspective? Rather than coming to You, I seek help from another ‘blind’ person who is in no better spiritual position than I am.

Interesting that Your next ‘illustration’ has to do with vision too. Contrasting when I go to another for help, this next one shows that when I try and ‘help’ someone else by fixing a problem I see in their life. There’s a good chance I have bigger problems in my own life that should be a priority for my attention. Only after my own bigger problems are dealt with can I see well enough to be of help to anyone else, should they ask.

In both these examples, my own lack of vision blinds me to the truth. I need to remember to look to You for guidance, answers and perspective on issues in my life. And before I look too closely at a friend’s life and shortcomings, I need to examine myself. And then, again, seek Your help in correcting the issues I find there.

Another example You give has to do with how I act on what You tell me when I turn to You for the ‘vision’ I lack. It is not enough to simply call on You for guidance. It is also imperative that I listen for Your response and do what You say! Otherwise, all I do is based on my own, unreliable, limited understanding and will fold in on me like a house built with no foundation.

Father, I desire to obey You so my efforts won’t be wasted; so what I do has a firm foundation, and will stand solid against any difficulty or challenge that comes. And the challenges will come. You are the solid foundation I can put my trust in and gain confidence from. Open my eyes of understanding. Do not let me turn to other blind people, but to the One who made my eyes and gives me sight.

And I will be glad and rejoice with You; happy and joyful! Amen

Luke 6:39-49