Oct 30 Great is Your faithfulness

Father, Jeremiah continues here, not only beginning each stanza with successive letters of the Hebrew alephbet, but each verse within the stanza begins with the same letter!

Still, the outpouring of the description of all this suffering continues.  There are vivid word pictures and comparisons that describe personal devastation.

hai-hoa-beach-2162144_640Yet, in the middle of all of this, come the words fashioned into a famous hymn.  “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

Even in the midst of this harsh punishment, Jeremiah reflects on Your goodness.  And instructs the people:  “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.  Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say; ‘We have sinned and rebelled…’.”   It’s the same today.  Father, You seek the lost and the rebellious.  You still hold out salvation for them.  They need only come to You.

But there will be a time when it is too late.  When You will surely punish.

O Father, turn the hardened hearts back to You before it is too late!

In Jeremiah’s day, You spoke through prophets.  But now You speak through Yourself.  You walked the earth as Jesus Christ.  There are people who are heavy on my heart now, who need You.  Speak to these who need You in their lives.  Show me how to encourage them toward You without being harassing or pushy.

Bring someone into their lives who they will listen to.  Use circumstances in their lives to get their attention directed to You.  Convict their hearts that they need a Savior.  Draw back the veil of lies and deceit they have been believing.  Or they will “walk in darkness rather than the light”…they will be “dragged from the path and mangled and left without help”. 

Your love for them is clear.  Your compassion is renown.  Your faithfulness is great.  I rely on all these Lord, and totally trust in You!  Amen

Lamentations 3:1-66; Hebrews 1:1-4

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