July 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory.

It doesn’t have to be magnificent, or expensive, or what the world would judge as spectacular.   But it is the desire of my heart to be part of something speciala legacy that, when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote.  His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith.

He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin.  But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin.  I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin!  You set me free with Your death and resurrection!  Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it.

Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.

Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day.  Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.

Let me look at my options from Your perspective.

Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

There’s a wonderful song written by Steve Green whose chorus says:

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

With You directing my path, I can live that life. I trust You. “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23Psalm 16:1-2, 11

Click HERE to hear the song FInd Us Faithful

2 thoughts on “July 20 Direct my path

  1. It is a kind of legacy. Yours speaks to me of your great testimony of faithfulness through hardship, and your spiritual heritage passed through you to your children and grandchildren, and all the lives you’ve touched in your career! Well done!


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