Tag: slave

July 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory.

It doesn’t have to be magnificent, or expensive, or what the world would judge as spectacular.   But it is the desire of my heart to be part of something speciala legacy that, when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote.  His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith.

He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin.  But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin.  I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin!  You set me free with Your death and resurrection!  Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it.

Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.

Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day.  Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.

Let me look at my options from Your perspective.

Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

There’s a wonderful song written by Steve Green whose chorus says:

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

With You directing my path, I can live that life. I trust You. “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23Psalm 16:1-2, 11

Click HERE to hear the song FInd Us Faithful

July 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory.

It doesn’t have to be magnificent, or expensive, or what the world would judge as spectacular.   But it is the desire of my heart to be part of something special: a legacy that, when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote.  His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith.

He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin.  But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin.  I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin!  You set me free with Your death and resurrection!  Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it.

Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.

Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day.  Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.

Let me look at my options from Your perspective.

Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

There’s a wonderful song written by Steve Green whose chorus says:

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

With You directing my path, I can live that life. I trust You. “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23; Psalm 16:1-2, 11

Click HERE to hear the song

June 5 All I have is from You

grateful for


Dear Lord, I see myself all over today’s scriptures.  Like David taking a census of Israel, I sometimes do things that are not right for my family or me.  I persist in the activity or behavior by some sense or motivation that I become adamant about.

Father, open my ears to the wise counsel You send into my life.  Let me be dissuaded from pursuing ungodly ends.

Lord, I identify with the man at the gate, crippled from birth.  Surely I was also unable to walk in Your light until I came to know You.

But Peter said “Look at us!”  And when the man gave them his attention, he received.

It wasn’t until I gave You my full attention, read Your Word, really listened to the lessons others taught me from Your Word, that I received the ability to walk in Your truth, Your light.  Thank You for sending each one of these helpers into my life.  Thank You for directing my understanding, and opening my eyes to Your truth.

Peter also said “And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made …”

I too am an heir of all that You revealed through the prophets – because I live in a time when I can see that they have been fulfilled in You!

Like the psalmist, I also “lift up my eyes to You.”  I live only because of Your mercy.

Although I am not familiar with being a slave, I can understand that a slave receives only what is provided by the master.

I realize that all I have comes from You: the goodness and blessing I do not deserve, the loving family and friends, the freedoms I enjoy in this country, the medical and technological advances I benefit from.  Thank You for choosing this time and place for me to be born.  All I have is from You, and I am richly, richly blessed.

Lead me in the way that will direct my words, my actions, my attitudes to honor You and bring glory to Your name.  Amen

2 Samuel 24:1-25; Acts 3:1-26; Psalm 123:1-2

July 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory.

It doesn’t have to be magnificent, or expensive, or what the world would judge as spectacular.   But it is the desire of my heart to be part of something special: a legacy that, when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote.  His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith.

He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin.  But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin.  I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin!  You set me free with Your death and resurrection!  Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it.

Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.

Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day.  Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.

Let me look at my options from Your perspective.

Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

I trust You.  “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23; Psalm 16:1-2, 11

June 5 All I have is from You

Dear Lord, I see myself all over today’s scriptures.  Like David taking a census of Israel, I sometimes do things that are not right for my family or me.  I persist in the activity or behavior by some sense or motivation that I become adamant about.

grateful for

Father, open my ears to the wise counsel You send into my life.  Let me be dissuaded from pursuing ungodly ends.

Lord, I identify with the man at the gate, crippled from birth.  Surely I was also unable to walk in Your light until I came to know You.

But Peter said “Look at us!”  And when the man gave them his attention, he received.

It wasn’t until I gave You my full attention, read Your Word, really listened to the lessons others taught me from Your Word, that I received the ability to walk in Your truth, Your light.  Thank You for sending each one of these helpers into my life.  Thank You for directing my understanding, and opening my eyes to Your truth.

Like the psalmist, I also “lift up my eyes to You.”  I live only because of Your mercy.

Although I am not familiar with being a slave, I can understand that a slave receives only what is provided by the master.

I realize that all I have comes from You: the goodness and blessing I do not deserve, the loving family and friends, the freedoms I enjoy in this country, the medical and technological advances I benefit from.  Thank You for choosing this time and place for me to be born.  All I have is from You, and I am richly, richly blessed.

Lead me in the way that will direct my words, my actions, my attitudes to honor You and bring glory to Your name.  Amen

2 Samuel 24:1-25; Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 123:1-2


Jul 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory.  It doesn’t have to be magnificent, or expensive, or what the world would judge as spectacular.   But it is the desire of my heart to be part of something special: a legacy that, when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote.  His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith.

He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin.  But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin.  I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin!  You set me free with Your death and resurrection!  Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it.

Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.   Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day.  Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.   Let me look at my options from Your perspective.  Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

I trust You.  “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23; Psalm 16:1-11

June 5 All I have is from You

Dear Lord, I see myself all over today’s scriptures.  Like David taking a census of Israel, I sometimes do things that are not right for my family or me.  I persist in the activity or behavior by some sense or motivation that I become adamant about.   Father, open my ears to the wise counsel You send into my life.  Let me be dissuaded from pursuing ungodly ends.

grateful forLord, I identify with the man at the gate, crippled from birth.  Surely I was also unable to walk in Your light until I came to know You.

But Peter said “Look at us!”  And when the man gave them his attention, he received.  It wasn’t until I gave You my full attention, read Your Word, really listened to the lessons others taught me from Your Word, that I received the ability to walk in Your truth, Your light.  Thank You for sending each one of these helpers into my life.  Thank You for directing my understanding, and opening my eyes to Your truth.

Peter also said “And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made …”  And I too am an heir of all that You revealed through the prophets – because I live in a time when I can see that they have been fulfilled in You!

Like the psalmist, I also “lift up my eyes to You.”  I live only because of Your mercy.

Although I am not familiar with being a slave, I can understand that a slave receives only what is provided by the master.  I realize that all I have comes from You: the goodness and blessing I do not deserve, the loving family and friends, the freedoms I enjoy in this country, the medical and technological advances I benefit from.  Thank You for choosing this time and place for me to be born.  All I have is from You, and I am richly, richly blessed.

Lead me in the way that will direct my words, my actions, my attitudes to honor You and bring glory to Your name.  Amen

2 Samuel 24:1-25; Acts 3:1-26; Psalm 123:1-2

July 20 Direct my path

shield-490808_640Father, like Solomon who built a Temple to house Your glorious Name, I long to build something of substance with my life that will bring You recognition and glory. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive edifice sparkling with gold and jewels.   But it is the desire of my heart, that when I leave this earth, others who come behind me will see my faithfulness and be pointed to You.

Paul left a different kind of testament to You with the letters he wrote. His explanations, though sometimes long and arduous, explain the basis of much of my faith. He explains that before You came and died on the cross, I was a slave to sin. But because I put my faith in You, and am united with You, crucified on the cross with You; I died to sin. I am no longer its slave, because death frees one from the bondage they lived in.

So I am raised from the dead with You, a free believer – no longer a slave to sin! You set me free with Your death and resurrection! Since my life is with You, and I live it freely; if I sin, it is because I choose to, since I am no longer a slave to it. Lord, help me choose daily, to walk away from sin.

Show me how to walk with You in righteousness; how to live my life as a testimony to You.  Empower me to face the choices I have to make every day. Don’t let me just pick what is the easiest, or safest, or most popular.   Let me look at my options from Your perspective. Let me make decisions based on the long, eternal view, not just for the immediate benefit.

I trust You. “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 3:1-17; Romans 6:1-23; Psalm 16:1-11