Sept 5 Fear God and keep His Commandments

Father, there are so many things Solomon saw and experienced: wise men and fools, hard work and laziness, feasting and mourning, rich and poor, old age and youth, life and death.

hand-1245939_640He has written: “sayings of counsel and knowledge, teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth…” 

So Father, teach me to apply this wisdom.  Show me how to make decisions about my life, set godly priorities, and keep me focused on the right things.

Do not let me chase after meaningless things: riches to boast in, positions to exalt myself, a prideful reputation.   Help me remember that You are my future.  And whatever blessings You bring into my life, are to be used to honor You.

He ends with this“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of this matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” 

My whole purpose is to honor and revere You!  To acknowledge who You are, and respect You for it.  To do what You show me to do.  And not do what You caution or command me not to do.

It’s not to amass wealth.  It’s not to leave a legacy of institutions or businesses.  It’s not to make scientific discoveries.  It’s not even to compose a masterpiece, write an inspiring book or create a memorable work of art.

The Psalmist adds his wisdom to this collection as he reminds me “you can’t take it with you.”  Riches cannot add time to the length of my days.  And none of these things can come with me past my life here on earth.

But You, Father, will be with me for eternity.  It is You who will “redeem my life from the grave, and take me to be with Yourself.”  You “will bring every deed into judgment…”

Give me a true understanding of the wisdom that comes from You.  Amen

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14Psalm 49:1-20Proverbs 22:20-21

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