Dec 24 Search my heart

box-1373480_1920Father, through Zechariah, You told the people of Bethel that it was not simply the observance of anniversaries, holy festivals, feasts and fasting, which pleased You.  It is the condition of our hearts that You are concerned with.

While it is true that those things can be done as acts of worship to honor You, the Lord Almighty; they can also be done for the sake of the activity.  You alone know the hearts of the people involved; whether they participate to please themselves or to honor You. 

Father, today help me examine myself.  Search my heartlook at my motives.  Do not let me simply “go through the motions.”  Fill my spirit! 

When I praise You, I will do it with a full and sincere heart.

When I give money or time or energy, I will do it gladly as an act of worship.

When I read Your Word, I will do it with an open mind and spirit to hear and receive what You have to say to me.

When I feast or fast, I will do it not for the recognition of others, but for an audience of One – You.

And whether I am celebrating Christmas or Passover I will do it with sensitivity to the spiritual meaning, not just what history or the world has made it to be.

Father, I acknowledge and thank You for Your deeds.  I celebrate and trust the way You do things.  I don’t always understand, because Your ways are not my ways – but I trust them.  And I cannot wait until every knee bows to You, and every tongue confesses that You, indeed, are Lord!  Amen!

Zechariah 7:1-14

2 thoughts on “Dec 24 Search my heart

  1. This is something I struggle with. If you do something because it is the right thing to do, but your heart isn’t really in it, does that negate the action? Am hoping God doesn’t search my heart too closely!!! 🙂

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  2. Good question – and something to think about.
    If God is prompting you to do something good, and your heart isn’t in it, but you still do it – you are still being obedient. And it may be that in those steps of obedience, God will change your heart.
    Until the heart change comes, and it may be a slow change, I believe God is with you and honoring your obedience.
    Since He gave Jonah chances even in straight out rebellion, I believe He will stay with us as well to bring about His purposes in our lives.
    What these verses are about is when people did things for themselves or out of other motives, and claimed it was for God, that’s when I think they don’t get the credit. And I could be wrong…But just like here, where God spoke through the prophet Zechariah, I think He will speak to you (us) as well and let you (us) know if there’s a problem.
    Being open to Him and teachable helps. Ask Him to show you your heart if it’s wrong. And teach you the better way. Psalm 139:23-24
    Praise God for teaching us all – it’s a lifelong journey!


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