Tag: alert

Aug 25 Last Words


O Father, how I agree with the words of Job!  “I know that my Redeemer lives!  And that in the end He will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes – I, and not another.  How my heart yearns within me.”

Father, I know, without a doubt, that You exist.  That You are alive.  That You are in control.  And that one day all this earth will pass away, but You will still be.  And because I am Yours, I will see You!  And in so many ways, I truly yearn for that day.

But You bring my mind back to the present.  And how I must live my days out on earth.  Paul is wrapping up his first letter to the Corinthians.  And much like me saying good-bye to my children, and trying to get every last thought of instruction and encouragement in, he includes a short paragraph that sums up his reminders for faithful living.

“Be on your guard.”  Father, help me see everything I need to be aware of.  Help me discern Your true wisdom, and reject the wisdom of the world and of the evil one.  Open my eyes and my spirit to temptations that would lead me into sin.  Do not let me be swept up into or be part of causing division in my church.

“Stand firm in the faith.”  Lord, help me read and study Your Word so I understand what my faith is based on.  Show me how to apply Your Word to my life today, and do not let me stray from it.  Instead, help me live out what I believe.  My actions, my attitudes, my words, all need to be in agreement because they show outwardly what I really believe inwardly.  Help me enjoy the freedoms of my faith but also be aware and careful not to be a stumbling block to others.

“Be men of courage; be strong.”  Father, strengthen me against the laxity of society.   Embolden me to use the spiritual gifts You have placed in me.   Help me encourage others.  When I need to speak out, open my mouth and fill it.  When I need to act be my strength.

“Do everything in love.”  Finally, help me to be more loving.  In all I do, show me what You would do, how You would do it.  Before I speak, let me ask myself if I am speaking in love.  Before I act, remind me to ask myself if I am acting in love.   So many emotions and motivations influence and drive me, Lord.   Help me seek love as my primary motivating factor.

Help me live out my days in ways that honor You.  And when You take me home, I will rejoice!  Amen

Job 19:25-27; I Corinthians 16:13-14

Feb 24 Danger Zone


Lord, for many chapters in Leviticus now You have shown me what is “unclean” – the Hebrew word tamei (taw-may).  It means more than what I think of as dirty or not clean.  Its definition also carries personal, psychological and spiritual elements.

Tamei is a state of fragmentation, of being incomplete, defiled, not whole, or unable to reach full potential.

Contact with certain things can make me tamei; but so can negative emotions and desires that arise from within me.

Under these circumstances, I am put into a state of heightened spiritual alertness for a time; like a danger zone of vulnerability where I need to be vigilant over my thoughts and words and actions.

It’s a time or portal of potential risk of drifting away from holiness.  Holiness is wholeness, unity, integration, represented by the Hebrew word t’hor (tu-hoar) and is the opposite of unclean.

Jesus recognized the Pharisees had become overzealous when it came to being “clean” only on the outside of their bodies, neglecting the spiritual aspects of tamei.

They missed the point that what makes man fragmented or shattered, is what comes from the heart  – jealousy, arrogance, selfishness, lustfulness and evil thoughts.  These are what put man into a state of danger where they can fall into sin.

Father, raise my awareness of these times when I need to be on high alert.  Keep me vigilant over my thoughts and actions so I don’t drift away from You.

I desire to honor You with my lips and my heart.  Teach me to let go of legalism that has become the tradition of man; so that I can be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life.  Amen

Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23

Feb 24 Danger Zone

safety-44434_640Lord, for many chapters in Leviticus now You have shown me what is ‘unclean’ – the Hebrew word tamei (taw-may). It means more than what I think of as dirty or not clean. It also carries personal, psychological and spiritual elements.

Tamei is a state of fragmentation, of not being whole, of incompleteness, defilement, or inability to reach full potential.

Contact with things can make me tamei; but so can negative emotions and desires that arise from within me. Under these circumstances, I am put into a state of heightened spiritual alertness for a time; like a danger zone of vulnerability where I need to be vigilant over my thoughts and words and actions.   It’s a time or portal of potential risk of drifting away from holiness. Holiness is wholeness, unity, integration, represented by the Hebrew word t’hor (tu-hoar) and is the opposite of unclean.

Jesus recognized the Pharisees had become overzealous when it came to being ‘clean’ only on the outside of their bodies, neglecting the spiritual aspects of tamei. They missed the point that what makes man fragmented or shattered, is what comes from the heart – the jealousy, arrogance, selfishness, lustfulness and evil thoughts. These are what put man into a state of danger where they can fall into sin.

Father, raise my awareness of these times when I need to be on high alert. Keep me vigilant over my thoughts and actions so I don’t drift away from You. I desire to honor You with my lips and my heart. Teach me to let go of legalism that has become the tradition of man; so that I can be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life. May Your love and Your truth always protect me. Amen

Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; Psalm 40:11