Tag: gardener

May 26 Help me stay connected


Father, thank You for making it so easy to understand:

“You are the vine, I am a branch.”

Even I can see how that example plays out.

I have seen branches broken off of trees and bushes after a storm, or ones I have cut off to prune or shape a plant.  When they have been severed from the plant, they die.  They are no longer attached to the system that delivers nutrients from the ground and water, or sunlight that cause growth and sustain life.

So it is with me in my relationship with You.  I am a part of You, connected to You.  From You, I receive what I need to grow and sustain my life.   In You, I can lead a Christian life and bear fruit.   Apart from You, I no longer bear fruit, and will wither.

Impress on me how to stay connected, Lord.  Your Word remaining in me is one way.  That means I need to be reading it, studying it, even memorizing it to keep it “in” me.  Obeying what You tell me, is another way I remain in You.  And loving others is another.

Father give me a hunger and thirst for Your Word.  Help me set aside time each day, and be excited to spend time hearing from You.

Let Your Words rattle around in my mind so that I think about them even after I read them.  Increase my understanding when they direct me to do something, or stop doing something.

Do not let me be distracted or dissuaded from obeying what You say.  And let me show Your love to others in my actions, my words and my attitudes.

Thank You for teaching me how much I need You and depend on You for my very life.  Thank You for using examples I can understand and put into practice.  Amen

John 15:1-17

May 26 Help me stay connected


Father, thank You for making it so easy to understand:

“You are the vine, I am a branch.”

Even I can see how that example plays out.

I have seen branches broken off of trees and bushes after a storm, or ones I have cut off to prune or shape a plant.  When they have been severed from the plant, they die.  They are no longer attached to the system that delivers nutrients from the ground and water, or sunlight that cause growth and sustain life.

So it is with me in my relationship with You.  I am a part of You, connected to You.  From You, I receive what I need to grow and sustain my life.   In You, I can lead a Christian life and bear fruit.   Apart from You, I no longer bear fruit, and will wither.   Impress on me how to stay connected, Lord.  Your Word remaining in me is one way.  That means I need to be reading it, studying it, even memorizing it to keep it “in” me.  Obeying what You tell me, is another way I remain in You.  And loving others is another.

Father give me a hunger and thirst for Your Word.  Help me set aside time each day, and be excited to spend time hearing from You.  Let Your Words rattle around in my mind so that I think about them even after I read them.  Increase my understanding when they direct me to do something, or stop doing something.  Do not let me be distracted or dissuaded from obeying what You say.  And let me show Your love to others in my actions, my words and my attitudes.

Thank You for teaching me how much I need You and depend on You for my very life.  Thank You for using examples I can understand and put into practice.  Amen

John 15:1-17


Mar 9 The Olive Tree

olive and me

O Father, thank You for teaching me about the significance of an olive tree.  As I studied in the Garden of Gethsemane, I learned of the value of all that the olive tree stands for and produces.


So I pray the verses with new understanding:  “As for me, I am like an olive tree flourishing in the House of God”

As for me, Lord, may I be like a green olive tree flourishing in Your House:

May I be alive, vibrant, and growing

May I produce abundant fruit in season,

May I have long thick roots that penetrate deep into spiritual soil.

May I grow protected from harm and harshness because I abide in Your House O Lord.  Thank You that as my gardener, You tend to me personally to be sure I have everything I need to grow healthy and strong.

May I grow in community, surrounded by others, our roots and trunks intertwining like olive trees grow, without comparing myself to them, but shading them, and drawing needed shade from them.

May I draw on the strength of being in community with those You have placed around me so I can persevere and remain strong even when the winds come, leaning on others and providing stability for them in return.

May I stand in the midst of others for years and years and years to come, like the two 2400 year old olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane.  They stood by You as  You knelt on that fateful night and prayed before Your arrest and Crucifixion.

Let me be like the olive tree that is both beautiful to look at and amazing in purpose. May others see me and see Your care, and be drawn to You through me.

As the olive tree produces food to eat, and oil for lamps, soaps for cleansing, and ointments for anointing and healing; let me be nourishment and light and cleansing and blessing and healing to those around me.

I will trust in Your loving-kindness and unfailing love for ever and ever –

Even when I am confused

Even when I can’t see Your will at work

Even when I don’t feel Your presence

Even when the world denies it

Even through tears and pain and sorrow

I will thank You for all You have done

I will hope in Your Name, for it is good

I will praise You – forever.  Amen


Psalm 52:8-9

May 26 Help me stay connected


Father, thank You for making it so easy to understand:

“You are the vine, I am a branch.”

Even I can see how that example plays out. I have seen branches broken off of trees and bushes after a storm, or ones I have cut off to prune or shape a plant. When they have been severed from the plant, they die. They are no longer attached to the system that delivers nutrients from the ground and water, or sunlight that cause growth and sustains life.

So it is with me in my relationship with You. I am a part of You, connected to You. From You, I receive what I need to grow and sustain life.   In You, I can lead a Christian life and bear fruit.   Apart from You, I no longer bear fruit, and will wither.

Impress on me how to stay connected, Lord. Your Word remaining in me is one way. That means I need to be reading it, studying it, even memorizing it to keep it ‘in’ me. Obeying what You tell me, is another way I remain in You. And loving others is another.

Father give me a hunger and thirst for Your Word. Help me set aside time each day, and be excited to spend time hearing from You. Let Your Words rattle around in my mind so that I think about them even after I read them. Increase my understanding when they direct me to do something, or stop doing something. Do not let me be distracted or dissuaded from obeying what You say. And let me show Your love to others in my actions, my words and my attitudes.

Thank You for teaching me how much I need You and depend on You for my very life. Thank You for using examples I can understand and put into practice. Amen

John 15:1-17

Mar 9 the Olive Tree

olive and meO Father, thank You for teaching me about the significance of an olive tree. As I studied in the Garden of Gethsemane, I learned of the value of all that the olive tree stands for and produces.

So I pray the verses with this thought: “As for me, I am like an olive tree flourishing in the House of God”

As for me, Lord, may I be like a green olive tree flourishing in Your House:

May I be alive, vibrant, and growing

May I produce abundant fruit in season,

May I have long thick roots that penetrate deep into spiritual soil.

May I grow protected from harm and harshness because I abide in Your House O Lord. Thank You that as my gardener, You tend to me personally to be sure I have everything I need to grow healthy and strong.

May I grow in community, surrounded by others, our roots and trunks intertwining like olive trees grow, without comparing myself to them, but shading them, and drawing needed shade from them. May I draw on the strength of being in community with the others You have placed around me so that I can persevere and remain strong even when the winds come, leaning on others and providing stability for them in return.

May I stand in the midst of others for years and years and years to come, even as the two olive trees that have remained in the Garden of Gethsemane are still living after two thousand and four hundred years, and are the same ones You knelt by on that fateful night You prayed before Your arrest and Crucifixion.

Let me be like the olive tree that is both beautiful to look at and amazing in purpose.

May others see me and see Your care, and be drawn to You through me.

As the olive tree produces food to eat, and oil for lamps, soaps for cleansing, and ointments for anointing and healing; let me be nourishment and light and cleansing and blessing and healing to those around me.

I will trust in Your loving-kindness and unfailing love for ever and ever –

Even when I am confused

Even when I can’t see Your will at work

Even when I don’t feel Your presence

Even when the world denies it

Even through tears and pain and sorrow

I will thank You for all You have done

I will hope in Your Name, for it is good

I will praise You – forever. Amen

Psalm 52:8-9