Tag: mission

June 9 Something bigger than myself

hot-air-balloon-glory of GodFather, Show me something bigger than myself, that I can be a part of, for Your glory.

I believe You put in each person You created, a desire to be part of something great, even epic: an adventure!  I don’t always understand this longing, but it comes back to seeking my purpose in life.

You gave Solomon a mission, delivered from his father: a charge to build a house for Your name.  It was something that took great resources, many gifted craftsmen, thousands of laborers coming together, time, and hard work.  And they created a masterpiece!  It was incredible to behold, stood for many years, and attained a regional if not worldwide reputation that is known about today.

You called Abram out of obscurity and brought him to a land You promised to his descendants forever.  He believed by faith, and worked toward Your goal, but never saw its completion.  He was part of a covenant relationship with You that brought forth the greatest story ever told.

I have a desire to be part of something also: something that will bring glory to Your name.  I long to do something that I cannot do alone – something I will need to rely on You for the strength and inspiration to do.

Will You show me, in Your perfect timing, what it is?  I trust You are preparing me already with the gifts, talents, skills, wisdom, and resources I will need.   And that when You are ready You will open my eyes to see what it is.   I do not want to live my life just getting by from one day to the next.

I also know that whatever I can achieve on my own is not divine, or an epic adventure.  Without You, I can do nothing.  With You, I can do anything!  Inspire me Lord.  Empower me.  Let me be part of Your great plan.  Amen

I Kings 5:1-6:38; Acts 7: 1-29; Psalm 127:1-2