Tag: right

July 19 Walking Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.”  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me:

money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.

Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of “honesty.”

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.

Keep me away from malicious gossip.

Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.

Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.

Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.

Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-19Psalm 15:1-5

July 19 Walking Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.”  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me:

money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.

Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of “honesty.”

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.

Keep me away from malicious gossip.

Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.

Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.

Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.  Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-19; Psalm 15:1-5

June 5 All I have is from You

Dear Lord, I see myself all over today’s scriptures.  Like David taking a census of Israel, I sometimes do things that are not right for my family or me.  I persist in the activity or behavior by some sense or motivation that I become adamant about.

grateful for

Father, open my ears to the wise counsel You send into my life.  Let me be dissuaded from pursuing ungodly ends.

Lord, I identify with the man at the gate, crippled from birth.  Surely I was also unable to walk in Your light until I came to know You.

But Peter said “Look at us!”  And when the man gave them his attention, he received.

It wasn’t until I gave You my full attention, read Your Word, really listened to the lessons others taught me from Your Word, that I received the ability to walk in Your truth, Your light.  Thank You for sending each one of these helpers into my life.  Thank You for directing my understanding, and opening my eyes to Your truth.

Like the psalmist, I also “lift up my eyes to You.”  I live only because of Your mercy.

Although I am not familiar with being a slave, I can understand that a slave receives only what is provided by the master.

I realize that all I have comes from You: the goodness and blessing I do not deserve, the loving family and friends, the freedoms I enjoy in this country, the medical and technological advances I benefit from.  Thank You for choosing this time and place for me to be born.  All I have is from You, and I am richly, richly blessed.

Lead me in the way that will direct my words, my actions, my attitudes to honor You and bring glory to Your name.  Amen

2 Samuel 24:1-25; Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 123:1-2


Apr 18 Learn from a tax collector

Lord, make me like Zacchaeus!

Let me be willing to do whatever I need to do to see You and hear from You personally!


Even if it means doing something that might make me look silly to others; like climbing a tree!  (as Zacchaeus did)

Let me be completely changed by Your presence and Your words.

Zacchaeus became charitable.  And he was willing to recognize his wrongs, and right them!  Help me look and see where I need to right any wrongs I’ve done and take on new, positive character traits.

For being a “wee little man” he made a BIG impact on people around him; especially those who saw the change in him.  Father, change what needs to be changed in me, and let me make a godly impact on all those around me.  Amen

Luke 19:1-10

Nov 8 May the Truth set us free

usa-1491734_640Father, as I read this section of Psalm 106, I fear that I personally, and my country, have together made the same mistakes Your people made in the desert. They were not satisfied with the life You gave them; even the miracles You performed to deliver them from the hand of the enemy who had relegated them to slavery for generations, and then was set on destroying them.

In the wilderness at Meribah where You brought water from a rock for them to drink, they rebelled against Moses and Your provision. They forgot that You had done something so mighty as parting the Red Sea for them, and delivering them from the hand of Pharaoh and his army. Instead, they focused on their fleshly desires, doubting You could quench their thirst. I too, sometimes focus on my own desires rather than the great blessings You have already worked in my life. And I too respond with whining instead of faith.

When they came into the Promised Land, they “mingled with the nations and adopted their customs”. I fear I have done the same by participating in the social customs of my times.   I and my country, have mingled godly beliefs with the socially acceptable values of the times. What You call sin is no longer looked upon as sin. People today seem to have no concept of what is right and wrong, and so no self-governing set of morals that direct or protect them.

Many things in my culture take the place of passion for You. Sports teams, fame, money, power, shopping, alcohol and drugs, status, cars, beauty, youth: so many things have become idols in the lives of so many, even believers.

“They sacrificed their sons and daughters to false gods. They shed innocent blood…” Father, I grieve over the number of babies who have been sacrificed on the altar of ‘choice’ and ‘convenience’. This land is desecrated by their blood.   And it defiles the people involved because of the act of taking a life. But it also exacts a price they often pay in long-term emotional and psychological damage, not to mention the spiritual battle that they have lost in giving over ground to the enemy.

Yet, You “took note of their distress when You heard their cry…and out of Your great love You relented”. Father, I am in distress and I cry out to You: for my personal sin and for the sin of my country. Forgive, Lord. I acknowledge and agree with You that I and my country have acted in rebellion in going our own way without following the path You set before us. And that my country and I have participated in social customs and values that have become a snare to us, even to the point of idolatry. Lord I turn away from anything that seeks to take Your place in my life. Forgive us for focusing on the flesh over the spiritual.

“Save us Lord our God…that we may give thanks to Your Holy name and glory in Your praise. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, Amen!”

Psalm 106:32-48

Oct 5 I look to You

anthony-tori-120173.jpgFather, how like Your people of old, is my country now. Your Name is not honored. You are ignored, or worse. You poured out Your judgment on them. Will You also pour out Your judgment on my nation? Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see,   who have ears but do not hear…Should you not fear me, declares the Lord? Should you not tremble in my presence? ”

Father, draw us back to You – my nation, my family, myself. I do proclaim You as my Lord and Savior. And I see Your warnings in this evil world

“Admonish and teach me with all wisdom”. Caution me when I am in danger of going the wrong way, or have taken a wrong turn. Show me from Your perspective, how to make decisions that will lead me in the way that will honor You. Don’t let any experience be wasted, but help me learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others.

Let “no one deceive me with fine-sounding arguments”. Do not let me be persuaded to go against what You stand for by some reason of relative morality. Do not let my values be swayed by society’s sense of right and wrong when they do not agree with Yours. My roots are in You, let them go down deep and drink in Your strength and wisdom. Let my faith stand strong, unwavering as I live a disciplined life in You.

I offer You all thanks and praise, Lord. You saw the earth when it was formless and void, and in Your mighty power created all I see. You made light with Your Word, made the mountains and the seas. You fashioned every bird and fish and animal. All creation is under Your authority. You set the limits of the waters of the earth. Nothing can prevail against You and Your will. Thank You that You care for me. That You teach me and love me as Your beloved child. That You strengthen and uphold me. You are Lord and I am blessed.   Amen

Jeremiah 5:19-31; Colossians 1:28-2:7