Aug 22 Help me stand strong

valley-2575839_640O Lord, I have never experienced the misery and suffering of Job, but his pain and the depth of his despair are clear to me.   So it seems to me that what his friend is saying is terribly insensitive.  It sounds as if he is trying to encourage Job to trust in his own righteousness.

The belief that trouble came from sin was popular then, so presumably Job brought this upon himself.  And if he confessed his sin to You that would be an easy fix.  But that is not the truth.

 What I do like about what this friend says is that they all have faith in You, Lord and in Your power.   And that Job should “appeal to You and lay his cause before You.”  For no matter what the problem, You are the solution.  You always have the power and authority to act.

The friend spells out Your power in a way that encourages me.  “You perform wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” 

 I get to see some of those wonders and miracles every day when I see the strength of majestic mountains or the wide-open sky, or the beauty of a sunset, the flight of birds, the colors of a rainbow, the faces of my loved ones.  Or when I see and feel and smell the deep velvety red richness of my roses.  Or when I feel the coolness of the air and smell the freshness after a rain.  Or when I play or hear music that reaches a place in my spirit that fills me with elation.

 I too, believe in and trust in Your power, Your ability to do wonders and perform miracles.

 One thing Job asks: “I would not deny the words of the Holy One.”  Job says that even in unrelenting pain, he would have joy if he could still stand strong in his faith and not deny You. 

I echo that prayer Father.  I ask that whatever comes into my life, You would take me before I shame or dishonor You.

Strengthen me to endure whatever You allow.  You know me best.  And if something comes that You know is stronger than I have it in me to bear, just take me to be with You.

Thank You Father.  Amen

Job 4:1-7:21

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