Tag: creatures

Dec 13 Holy, Holy, Holy!

clouds-2469126_640Father, once again, a vision in scripture of such great detail and magnificence – it could be a scene in a fantasy movie, or one of those wild, imaginative video games!

From John’s words, I can hear the rumbling thunder.  I can see the bright almost blinding flashes of lightning.  And between flashes, a halo of glowing green arches over and around a magnificent, brilliant throne.  I can feel the heat of seven torches with burning flames.

In the foreground I can see a shiny sea of crystal glass and twenty-four elders seated on twenty-four small thrones, but bending down to kneel before the magnificent throneand the One who sits on it.

But in the center of my view, what captures my attention, are four huge creatures: the likes of which I have never seen!  It is truly the stuff dreams are made of.  Or nightmares!

“The first living creature was like a lion the second was like an ox, the third had the face of a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.”  And these creatures fly; encircling the One who sits on the throne who could only be described as looking like beautiful, gleaming jewels.

I can hear the living creatures speak in unearthly voices that resound with deafening volume and fill my senses, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

It is so easy to think of You as my Father, my Comforter, my Helper.  But John reminds me here of Your immense Power, with a capital P; and Sovereignty, with a capital S! 

You are Majestic in HolinessAwesome in PowerHighly Exalted.  You are more than anything I can imagine on this earth.  You are more kingly than the most exalted king, stronger than the strongest man, wiser than the wisest sage, smarter than the smartest scientist.

By Your handall things were created, and they continue to be in existence by Your command.   And not just people, which is an incomparably immense task in itself, but every insect, bird, lizard, fish, and mammal!

All that people refer to as “Mother Earth” came from You.  And beyond that, the moon, the stars, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe!

There is none like You.  You are The One and The Only Lord and God.  You are the only One worthy to receive all the glory and honor and power.  Receive my worship.  I am in awe of You.    Amen

Revelation 4:1-11

Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture

bible-1089930_640O Father, what an incredible picture You paint!

I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw.

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can begin to see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make!

Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.” 

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Thank you that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort.

When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  It was of a boat in a storm, and of how You would deliver me through that storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it. It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Wordand also personally through visionsYou who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me.

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.  My Father.  My Creator.  My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Dec 13 Holy, Holy, Holy!

Father, once again, a vision in scripture of such great detail and magnificence – it could be a scene in a fantasy movie, or one of those wild, imaginative video games!

From John’s words, I can hear the rumbling thunderI can see the bright almost blinding flashes of lightning.  And between flashes, a halo of green glow, arches over and around a magnificent, brilliant throne.  I can feel the heat of seven torches with burning flames.

In the foreground I can see a shiny sea of crystal glass and twenty-four elders seated on twenty-four small thrones, but bending down to kneel before the magnificent throne, and the One who sits on it.

But in the center of my view, what captures my attention, are four huge creatures: the likes of which I have never seen!  It is truly the stuff dreams are made of.  Or nightmares!

“The first living creature was like a lion the second was like an ox, the third had the face of a man, the fourth was like a flying eagleEach of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.”  And these creatures fly; encircling the One who sits on the throne who could only be described as looking like beautiful, gleaming jewels.

I can hear the living creatures say in unearthly voices that resound with deafening volume and fill my senses, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

It is so easy to think of You as my Father, my Comforter, my Helper.  But John reminds me here of Your immense Power, with a capital P; and Sovereignty, with a capital S! 

You are Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Power, Highly Exalted.  You are more than anything I can imagine on this earth.  You are more kingly than the most exalted king, stronger than the strongest man, wiser than the wisest sage, smarter than the smartest scientist.

By Your hand, all things were created, and they continue to be in existence by Your command.   And not just people, which is an incomparably immense task in itself, but every insect, bird, lizard, fish, and mammal!

All that people refer to as “Mother Earth” came from You.  And beyond that, the moon, the stars, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe!

There is none like You.  You are The One and The Only Lord and God.  You are the only One worthy to receive all the glory and honor and power.  Receive my worship.  I am in awe of You.    Amen

Revelation 4:1-11

Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture

bible-1089930_640O Father, what an incredible picture You paint!

I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw.

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can  begin to see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make!

Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.” 

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Thank you that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort.

When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  It was of a boat in a storm, and of how You would deliver me through that storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it. It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, and also personally through visions. You who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me.

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.  My Father.  My Creator.  My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture

bible-1089930_640O Father, what an incredible picture You paint!

I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw.

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can begin to see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make!

Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.” 

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Thank you that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort.

When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  It was of a boat in a storm, and of how You would deliver me through that storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it. It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, and also personally through visions. You who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me.

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.  My Father.  My Creator.  My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Dec 13 Holy, Holy, Holy!


Father, once again, a vision of such great detail and magnificence could be a scene in a fantasy movie, or one of those wild, imaginative video games!

From John’s words, I can hear the rumbling thunder.  I can see the bright almost blinding flashes of lightning.  And between flashes, a halo of green glow, arches over and around a magnificent, brilliant throne.  I can feel the heat of seven torches with burning flames.

In the foreground I can see a shiny sea of crystal glass and twenty-four elders seated on twenty-four small thrones, but bending down to kneel before the magnificent throne, and the One who sits on it.

But in the center of my view, what captures my attention, are four huge creatures: the likes of which I have never seen!  It is truly the stuff dreams are made of.  Or nightmares!

“The first living creature was like a lion the second was like an ox, the third had the face of a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.”  And these creatures fly; encircling the One who sits on the throne who could only be described as looking like beautiful, gleaming jewels.

I can hear the living creatures say in unearthly voices that resound with deafening volume and fill my senses, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

It is so easy to think of You as my Father, my Comforter, my Helper.  But John reminds me here of Your immense Power, with a capital P; and Sovereignty, with a capital S!

You are Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Power, Highly Exalted.  You are more than anything I can imagine on this earth.  You are more kingly than the most exalted king, stronger than the strongest man, wiser than the wisest sage, smarter than the smartest scientist.

By Your hand, all things were created, and they continue to be in existence by Your command.   And not just people, which is an incomparably immense task in itself, but every insect, bird, lizard, fish, and mammal!

All that people refer to as Mother earth came from You.  And beyond that, the moon, the stars, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe!

There is none like You.  You are The One and The Only Lord and God.  You are the only One worthy to receive all the glory and honor and power.  Receive my worship.  I am in awe of You.    Amen

Revelation 4:1-11 

Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture


O Father, what an incredible picture You paint! 

I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw. 

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening! 

I can see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make! 

Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.  

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.” 

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before. 

Thank you that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort. When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  It was of a boat in a storm, and of how You would deliver me through that storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it. It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, and also personally through visions. You who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me. 

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.  My Father.  My Creator.  My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Dec 13 Holy, Holy, Holy!


Father, once again, a vision of such great detail and magnificence could be a scene in a fantasy movie, or one of those wild, imaginative video games!

From John’s words, I can hear the rumbling thunder.  I can see the bright almost blinding flashes of lightening.  And between flashes, a halo of green glow, arches over and around a magnificent, brilliant throne.  I can feel the heat of seven torches with burning flames.

In the foreground I can see a shiny sea of crystal glass and twenty-four elders seated on twenty-four small thrones, but bending down to kneel before the magnificent throne, and the One who sits on it.

But in the center of my view, what captures my attention, are four huge creatures: the likes of which I have never seen!  It is truly the stuff dreams are made of.  Or nightmares!

“The first living creature was like a lion the second was like an ox, the third had the face of a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.”  And these creatures fly; encircling the One who sits on the throne who could only be described as looking like beautiful, gleaming jewels.

I can hear the living creatures say in unearthly voices that resound with deafening volume and fill my senses, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

It is so easy to think of You as my Father, my Comforter, my Helper.  But John reminds me here of Your immense Power, with a capital P; and Sovereignty, with a capital S!

You are Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Power, Highly Exalted.  You are more than anything I can imagine on this earth.  You are more kingly that the most exalted king, stronger than the strongest man, wiser than the wisest sage, smarter than smartest scientist.

By Your hand, all things were created, and they continue to be in existence by Your command.   And not just people, which is an incomparably immense task in itself, but every insect, bird, lizard, fish, and mammal!

All that people refer to as Mother earth came from You.  And beyond that, the moon, the stars, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe!

There is none like You.  You are The One and The Only Lord and God.  You are the only One worthy to receive all the glory and honor and power.  Receive my worship.  I am in awe of You.    Amen

Revelation 4:1-11 

Nov 1 Your Word Paints a Picture

O Father, what an incredible picture You paint!

bible-1089930_640I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw.

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make!  Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.”

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Thank you that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort. When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  It was of a boat in a storm, and of how You would deliver me through that storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it. It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, and also personally through visions. You who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me.

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.  My Father.  My Creator.  My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Dec 13 Holy, Holy, Holy!

Father, once again, a vision of such great detail and magnificence could be a scene in a fantasy movie, or one of those wild, imaginative video games!


From John’s words, I can hear the rumbling thunder.  I can see the bright almost blinding flashes of lightening.  And between flashes, can see a halo of green glow, arching over and around a magnificent, brilliant throne.  I can feel the heat of seven torches with burning flames.

In the foreground I can see a shiny sea of crystal glass and twenty-four elders seated on twenty-four small thrones, but bending down to kneel before the magnificent throne, and the One who sits on it.

But in the center of my view, what captures my attention, are four huge creatures: the likes of which I have never seen!  It is truly the stuff dreams are made of.  Or nightmares!  

“The first living creature was like a lion the second was like an ox, the third had the face of a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under it’s wings.”  And these creatures fly; encircling the One who sits on the throne who could only be described as looking like beautiful, gleaming jewels.

I can hear the living creatures say in unearthly voices that resound with deafening volume and fill my senses, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

It is so easy to think of You as my Father, my Comforter, my Helper.  But John reminds me here of Your immense Power, with a capital P; and Sovereignty, with a capital S!

You are Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Power, Highly Exalted.  You are more than anything I can imagine on this earth.  You are more kingly that the most exalted king, stronger than the strongest man, wiser than the wisest sage, smarter than smartest scientist.

By Your hand, all things were created, and they continue to be in existence by Your command.   And not just people, which is an incomparably immense task in itself, but every insect, bird, lizard, fish, and mammal!

All that people refer to as Mother earth came from You.  And beyond that, the moon, the stars, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe!

There is none like You.  You are The One and The Only Lord and God.  You are the only One worthy to receive all the glory and honor and power.  Receive my worship.  I am in awe of You.    Amen

Revelation 4:1-11 



Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture

bible-1089930_640O Father, what an incredible picture You paint!

I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw.

I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can see it in my mind’s eye, like a powerful scene from a movie!  Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.   But it was Ezekiel’s vision.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.”

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand.  The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

Thank You that even today, You give us visions, glimpses of Your power, Your purposes, Your comfort. When I was overwhelmed with what I believed was a hopeless situation, You gave me a vision of how You had prepared me and were with me in my circumstances.  And of how You would deliver me through the storm.

Your vision comforted me and stabilized me to make it.  It has stayed with me and reassured me over and over again.

Thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, and also personally through visions. You who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and shown Your lavish love and abundant provision for me.

And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.   My Father.   My Creator.   My Savior.  Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28

Nov 1 Your Word paints a picture

bible-1089930_640O Father, what an incredible picture You paint! I cannot even imagine seeing what Ezekiel saw! I don’t know if I would fall facedown like Ezekiel, cower in fear or simply stand, transfixed, unable to move by the sight of something so magnificently awesome and frightening!

I can see it in my mind’s eye, but what a powerful movie it would make! Every time I read the description of the four living creatures I find something new, and have tried to draw what You describe to increase my understanding.   When drawing, one has to pay very close attention to get all the details right.

Your Word says Ezekiel was so awed by what he had seen and heard, that he “sat among them [Israelite exiles] for seven days – overwhelmed.”

Thank You that Ezekiel could explain what he saw in terms I can understand. The words “immense fire…flashing lightening…glowing metal…burning coals of fire…appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day” are very descriptive, even though I feel sure that what he saw was beyond anything he had ever seen before.

The author of Psalm 104 also helps me see, visualize You creating the heavens and the earth, with words that paint a picture. I can see You “wrapped…in light as with a garment” as You “set the earth on its foundations” and “cover it with the deep as with a garment”. I can imagine the waters fleeing at Your rebuke, “flowing over the mountains”, going “down into the valleys, to the place You assigned them”.

Thank You again, for using words I can understand and envision. You, who have the imagination and power to create things I cannot even fathom, have leaned down from Your position of sovereignty on high, taken my face in Your hands, and whispered wonderful Words into my ear to show me Your lavish love and abundant provision for me. And I am forever amazed by You and am eternally in Your debt.   My Father.   My Creator.   My Savior. Amen

Ezekiel 1:1-28; Psalm 104:1-23