Tag: Lord

Jun 20 Every Word Counts!

Psalm138banner“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;”

Father, this verse has been so encouraging, speaking to me of Your divine purpose, of Your sovereignty to act, or Your personal interest and caring love for me.

Funny how stressing a different word in a sentence changes the meaning.  So in learning to hear You better, I focus on one word at a time.   Emphasizing each word to gather new meaning.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  The One.  The Only.  Not just any lord, but You: The Lord.  The One who created the universe!  Who made every animal, every plant, placed every star, and breathed life into man.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is Your work to do it and Your power that will bring it about.

While I need to be obedient and do my part, I don’t need to run around and worry about how it will all get done.  You, the Lord, have prepared.  You, the Lord over all creation, know the details.  And it is by Your hand that all will be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is a certainty!  It is to be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not just do the minimum to get by, but achieve fully!  All the requirements, all the necessities, will be taken care of completely.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  You have a plan.  It is not required that I dream up something to do for You, but work with You in Your plan, not my own.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  I am not in this world by accident, or just to get by from one day to the next.  There is a reason I am here.  You already know the skills, talents, and gifts You have placed in me, and have carefully thought out and prepared something to motivate me with an end in mind.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. It is on behalf of and will benefit me.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not my brother or sister or my friend; but the unique individual You created to be me 

Each time I restate it, the power of its truth grows.

I need to know scripture.  I need to understand what it means, and know how it applies to my life personally.  Thank You for this one way of helping me get more understanding from scripture.

Psalm 138:8a Revised Standard Version

June 20 Every Word Counts!

Psalm138banner“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;”

Father, this verse has been so encouraging, speaking to me of Your divine purpose, of Your sovereignty to act, or Your personal interest and caring love for me.

Funny how stressing a different word in a sentence changes the meaning.  So in learning to hear You better, I focus on one word at a time.   Emphasizing each word to gather new meaning.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  The One.  The Only.  Not just any lord, but You: The Lord.  The One who created the universe!  Who made every animal, every plant, placed every star, and breathed life into man.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is Your work to do it and Your power that will bring it about.

While I need to be obedient and do my part, I don’t need to run around and worry about how it will all get done.  You, the Lord, have prepared.  You, the Lord over all creation, know the details.  And it is by Your hand that all will be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is a certainty!  It is to be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not just do the minimum to get by, but achieve fully!  All the requirements, all the necessities, will be taken care of completely.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  You have a plan.  It is not required that I dream up something to do for You, but work with You in Your plan, not my own.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  I am not in this world by accident, or just to get by from one day to the next.  There is a reason I am here.  You already know the skills, talents, and gifts You have placed in me, and have carefully thought out and prepared something to motivate me with an end in mind.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. It is on behalf of and will benefit me.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not my brother or sister or my friend; but the unique individual You created to be me.  

Each time I restate it, the power of its truth grows.

I need to know scripture.  I need to understand what it means, and know how it applies to my life personally.  Thank You for this one way of helping me get more understanding from scripture.

Psalm 138:8a Revised Standard Version

Apr 13 God’s Plan – not mine

keep-calm-and-stick-to-the-plan-2Lord God, once again You show that You have a plan and are willing to include man in it.  You gave specific details of what Joshua was to do in order to gain Your victory.

First, though, the Israelites had to purge the sin from within their midst.  It is the same for me.  I cannot ask You for victory when I am harboring sin.

Then You told them “do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  It would have been easy to dwell on their last failure and be fainthearted in the presence of the same enemy who had routed them before.

When I have tried to do something in my own strength, and failed, it is hard to get up and try again without fearing the same disastrous result.

Next they had to follow Your plan exactly, to Your specifications and in Your timing.  That can be hard as well.

So often I second-guess You by trying to come up with my own plan.  There are ways that seem to make sense to man, but do not often yield the desired result.  So I must be willing to give up the direction my own thoughts lead me and be obedient to what You tell me.

Last, they enjoy the victory, giving thanks and credit to You.  They collected the spoil but went right to building an altar for offering sacrifices, acknowledging that You are the One who gave the victory.  Every person involved was present and attentive to Your words, being reminded of the blessings and the curses You promised.

god-5999775_640When things go well, it’s easy to sit back and take the credit, not including You until I need You again.

But it is vital I recognize that the victories in my life come from You.  I am learning how to give credit to You without sounding false or insincere.  And it strengthens me to know You are involved in my life.

What was the result of this successfully executed plan?  Even more kings came together to make war against them!

Sometimes the battles we face, challenging as they may be, are simply preparation for bigger battles to follow!   But we can know that having done well will lay the groundwork for the next success.

Victory is ours when the battle is the Lord’s!  Amen.

Joshua 8:1-9:2

Jun 20 Every Word Counts!

Psalm138banner“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;”

Father, many times this verse has spoken to me of Your divine purpose. It states Your sovereignty to act and Your personal interest and love for me.

When I say a sentence, the meaning changes a little depending on which word I stress.  So in learning to better hear what You are saying to me, I focus on one word at a time.   Within each word, meaning is added.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  The One.  The Only.  Not just any lord, but You: The Lord.  The One who created the universe!  Who made every animal, every plant, placed every star, and breathed life into man.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is Your work to do it and Your power that will bring it about.  While I need to be obedient and do my part, I don’t need to run around and worry about how it will all get done.  You have prepared.  You know the details.  And it is by Your hand that all will be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is a certainty!  It is to be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not just do the minimum to get by, but achieve fully!  All the requirements, all the necessities, will be taken care of completely.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  You have a plan.  It is not required that I dream up something to do for You, but work with You in Your plan, not my own.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.  I am not in this world by accident, or just to get by from one day to the next.  There is a reason I am here.  You already know the skills, talents, and gifts You have placed in me, and have carefully thought out and prepared something to motivate me with an end in mind.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. It is on behalf of and will benefit me.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not my brother or sister or my friend; but the unique individual You created to be me.

Each time I restate it, the power of its truth grows.  I need to know scripture.  I need to understand what it means, and know how it applies to my life personally.  Thank You for this one way of helping me get more understanding from scripture.

Psalm 138:8a English Standard Version

Feb 1 Exodus Deliverance Prayer

Father, I pray this for many who are undergoing trials which seem overwhelming right now.

I pray that according to what the Holy One did for those who left Egypt when He delivered them out of the hand of Pharaoh at the Sea of Reeds in Exodus 14:19-31, He will do for you in your time of trial, difficulty or crisis.


[He interposed Himself between Pharaoh’s army and His people who were in the desert trapped up against the Sea of Reeds.  He kept them safe all night as He prepared their way of escape.  He threw the enemy into a panic and vanquished them.  He gave them safe passage, making a way where there seemed to be none. And He gave them a wonderful deliverance.]

May God physically place Himself between you who He loves and has redeemed and whatever threatens your safety, your security and welfare; and personally assume responsibility for your protection – not because you deserve it by anything you have done, but for the sake of the eternal relationship He has with you.

May He keep vigil over you and send His almighty spirit to make a way of escape to deliver you.  May He watch over you through the night, the dark time when you cannot see His hand at work on your behalf – may you feel His protection even in light of seemingly overwhelming circumstances when you focus on the enemy.

As in Exodus 14:21 when God sent the “Ruach kadim” generally translated as ‘east wind’ but literally meaning ‘the breath that was from before the first that was in the very beginning’ (reference to Genesis 1:2 when the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the waters, and the Ruach [the breath or Spirit] of the Holy One moved over the face of the deep) may you feel the Ruach or Spirit of God moving in whatever challenge is facing you, as He makes a way of escape for you.

May He set panic in the heart of your enemy and send them into confusion so they may not harm you.  May none of their weapons find their targets.  May they even turn on themselves in the confusion.

May He vanquish your enemy before your eyes.  May they fall into the very pit they have dug for you and into the hands of a jealous and mighty God.  May He totally repel and defeat them on your behalf, because He loves you.

Do not underestimate the power of the Holy One, your covenant partner.  He knows what you need and will provide your safe passage to the place of fulfillment of your purpose in life.  You are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do the works He prepared in advance for you.  And He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.  God can and will do whatever He has to do to make a way even when there seems to be no way.

And May our Lord give you an awesome aftermath, where you can tell others about the wondrous and mighty work of the Holy One on your behalf.  May He give you a heart of gratitude and thanks that acknowledges Him and gives Him the glory.  May your testimony be that in faith, you stood and saw the deliverance of the LORD.

based on Exodus 13:17-14:31

and teaching from The Rabbi’s Son, Torah Teacher

June 20 Every Word Counts!


“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;”

Father, this verse has been so encouraging to me. Many times it has spoken to me of Your divine purpose, of Your sovereignty to act, or Your personal interest and caring love for me.

Funny how when I say a sentence, the meaning changes a little depending on which word I stress. So in learning more about this verse, to better hear what You are saying to me, I focus on one word at a time. Emphasizing each word, one at a time, meaning is added.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. The One. The Only. Not just any lord, but You: The Lord. The One who created the universe! Who made every animal, every plant, placed every star, and breathed life into man.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is Your work to do it and Your power that will bring it about. While I need to be obedient and do my part, I don’t need to run around and worry about how it will all get done. You have prepared. You know the details. And it is by Your hand that all will be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is a certainty! It is to be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not just do the minimum to get by, but achieve fully! All the requirements, all the necessities, will be taken care of completely.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. You have a plan. It is not required that I dream up something to do for You, but work with You in Your plan, not my own.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. I am not in this world by accident, or just to get by from one day to the next. There is a reason I am here. You already know the skills, talents, and gifts You have placed in me, and have carefully thought out and prepared something to motivate me with an end in mind.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. It is on behalf of and will benefit me.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not my brother or sister or my friend; but the unique individual You created to be me.

Each time I restate it, the power of its truth grows. I need to know scripture. I need to understand what it means, and know how it applies to my life personally. Thank You for this one way of helping me get more understanding from scripture.

Psalm 138:8a  English Standard Version 

Jan 30 Salvation Lamb – Passover


What a beautiful depiction of Your amazing Salvation plan! You delivered the Hebrews physically from the Pharaoh by the same way You deliver me into eternal life: by the blood of the lamb!

The last plague to fall on Pharaoh and Egypt was the death of their firstborn. And the Hebrew people were told to take a lamb from their flock, a male without defect, sacrifice it at a certain hour, and smear the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe of their house. When the Angel of death saw the blood, he would pass over those people within and they would be saved from physical death that night.

It was an exact representation of what would happen centuries later when Jesus came to earth and lived a sinless life. He was the spotless lamb, killed at that same hour, on that same day of the year that Hebrews celebrated down through generations: Passover. The blood He shed paid the price for our sin so we can be justified or reunited to You, a holy God. When we appropriate that blood (or accept it as the free gift to pay the penalty for our sin), eternal death will pass over us, and we will remain to live with You forever!

Until that time of judgment when eternal life and eternal death are meted out, I echo David’s words to proclaim my trust in You. I acknowledge that You are “good and upright”, that “Your ways are loving and faithful”. And I ask that You would “deliver me from my enemies” and “keep me from shame”. Show me more about You and the depth of Your love every day, and “teach me to walk in Your paths” – wherever You would lead me – without stumbling or turning away to the left or the right. Let me learn how Your truth should determine my actions, my words and my attitudes. Help me love my brother and my neighbor as myself.

I thank You for forgiving my sin as I continue to confess it before You: my disobedience, unjust actions, shortcomings and wrong attitudes. Instruct me and guide me every day, giving me strength to hold my tongue when I should, and courage to speak when I should.

I believe You have given me specific gifts and talents; help me use those to glorify You and to bless others. Bring people and resources to me that will empower and support these gifts. Help me be a guiding light for those who see me live my life, pointing them to You.

“My eyes are ever on You”, my Lamb, my Savior, my Lord. Amen

Exodus 11:1-12:13Psalm 25:1-15

Dec 24 Search my heart

Father, it is the condition of my heart that You are concerned with. Through Zechariah, You told the people of Bethel that it was not simply the observance of anniversaries, holy festivals, feasts and fasting, which pleased You. It is true that those things can be done as acts of worship to honor You, the Lord Almighty. But they can also be done for the sake of the activity. You alone know the hearts of the people involved; whether they participate to please themselves or to honor You.


Father, today help me examine myself. Search my heart, look at my motives. Do not let me simply ‘go through the motions’. Fill my spirit!

When I praise You, I will do it with a full and sincere heart.

When I give money or time or energy, I will do it gladly as an act of worship.

When I read Your Word, I will do it with an open mind and spirit to hear and receive what You have to say to me.

When I feast or fast, I will do it not for the recognition of others, but for an audience of One – You. And whether I am celebrating Christmas or Passover I will do it with sensitivity to the spiritual meaning, not just what history or the world has made it to be.

Father, I acknowledge and thank You for Your deeds. I celebrate and trust the way You do things. I don’t always understand, because Your ways are not my ways – but I trust them. And I cannot wait until every knee bows to You, and every tongue confesses that You, indeed, are Lord! Amen!

Zechariah 7:1-14