Tag: me

July 21 I am chosen!


Father, what an amazing legacy David left because You chose him!

He was the youngest of all his brothers. Normally that meant he would not be the leader of the family or inherit a large portion from his father. Those were the things that usually brought significance in those times.   But You chose him!

Three of his older brothers went to battle with Saul. They were men’s men, while David cared for the flocks, and spent his days with smelly, stupid, sheep. But You chose him!

Because of Your choosing, he was anointed to deliver his people from the threat of the Philistines. He slayed a giant! Not as a mighty warrior, but as a boy, with a stone and a slingshot. He was humble and would not go against Saul, and was patient and waited on Your perfect timing. He even had to run and hide out time and time again, because Saul chased him down to kill him. But You protected him, because You chose him.

Now we see Solomon, David’s son, completing the work of building the Temple that David had envisioned and prepared for. The desire to build a Temple for Your Name was David’s. And he passed that vision on to his son.

That Temple became the place where all the people would come and bring offerings and sacrifices, and worship You. It was the place where You literally touched earth. Your presence, Your Glory, was actually physically seen and felt as You met with men. It lasted for generations. An amazing legacy, because You chose David. And You showed Your faithfulness, fulfilling all Your promises.

Father, You have also chosen me.  You tell me I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved.” Col 3:12 “I am chosen and dearly loved by Christ to bear his fruit.”   John 15:16

I am no David, but I can know that You will fulfill all Your promises to me too.   Help me look to You, not man or earthly treasures for my inheritance. Remind me to use the gifts You have given me, not idly wish that I had the gifts and talents of others. Teach me to be humble, and to wait on Your perfect timing for everything in my life.  Show me when to back down and rely on Your protection.

Father, help me pass my love of You on to my children and to others around me.   I may not be much by the world’s standards, but let me have a mighty legacy like David. Help me live my life in a way that inspires faith and devotion to You.   “I call on You, Lord, for You will answer me.”   Amen

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Psalm 17:6

June 20 Every Word Counts!


“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;”

Father, this verse has been so encouraging to me. Many times it has spoken to me of Your divine purpose, of Your sovereignty to act, or Your personal interest and caring love for me.

Funny how when I say a sentence, the meaning changes a little depending on which word I stress. So in learning more about this verse, to better hear what You are saying to me, I focus on one word at a time. Emphasizing each word, one at a time, meaning is added.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. The One. The Only. Not just any lord, but You: The Lord. The One who created the universe! Who made every animal, every plant, placed every star, and breathed life into man.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is Your work to do it and Your power that will bring it about. While I need to be obedient and do my part, I don’t need to run around and worry about how it will all get done. You have prepared. You know the details. And it is by Your hand that all will be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – meaning that it is a certainty! It is to be accomplished.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not just do the minimum to get by, but achieve fully! All the requirements, all the necessities, will be taken care of completely.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. You have a plan. It is not required that I dream up something to do for You, but work with You in Your plan, not my own.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. I am not in this world by accident, or just to get by from one day to the next. There is a reason I am here. You already know the skills, talents, and gifts You have placed in me, and have carefully thought out and prepared something to motivate me with an end in mind.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. It is on behalf of and will benefit me.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me – not my brother or sister or my friend; but the unique individual You created to be me.

Each time I restate it, the power of its truth grows. I need to know scripture. I need to understand what it means, and know how it applies to my life personally. Thank You for this one way of helping me get more understanding from scripture.

Psalm 138:8a  English Standard Version