Tag: parables

Jan 20 Indescribable…Uncontainable

jesus-and-worldLord God, I continue to be amazed at the magnitude of the height of Your glory. You made the sun and stars, everything in the heavens.

As humans, we are just beginning to understand the depth of the workings of the cosmos.

All we know about our universe could fit on the head of a pin compared to what You were able to imagine and bring into being.

Even beyond our meager understanding, You had the ability, the power to create what You imagined. And by Your hand it is all kept in balance and in motion.

Yet, with the incredible greatness and the boundless vastness of Your power and sovereignty, You still know each one of us, each of Your creations, by name. I marvel at the love You have for us, and the care You take with us.

You can see the past and the futureYou are outside of time. You knew when a famine was coming in Egypt, and cared to let them know in advance.

You spoke revelation through dreams and gave the interpretation to Joseph. And because of that, people were saved from the famine, and Your promise was preservedYour covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was upheld.

As great as You are, You still communicate with us in ways we can understand; as in parables.

We can understand a crop with weeds sewn into it, and how harvest time works. We can see when a tiny seed grows into a large tree, or the action of yeast causing bread dough to rise. We know the draw and value of treasure and pearls.

Thank You for caring to communicate with us; to show us the way to have relationship with You: The Almighty God of the Universe.

And as we can only voice our faith and trust in You through the words we understand, we join with the Psalmist David in saying; “You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refugeYou are my shield and the horn of my salvationmy stronghold. I call to You, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”

“I love YouO Lord, my strength.” Amen

Genesis 41:17-42:17Matthew 13:24-46Psalm 18:1-3

Jan 20 Indescribable…Uncontainable

jesus-and-worldLord God, I continue to be amazed at the magnitude of the height of Your glory. You made the sun and stars, everything in the heavens.

As humans, we are just beginning to understand the depth of the workings of the cosmos.

All we know about our universe could fit on the head of a pin compared to what You were able to imagine and bring into being.

Even beyond our meager understanding, You had the ability, the power to create what You imagined. And by Your hand it is all kept in balance and in motion.

Yet, with the incredible greatness and the boundless vastness of Your power and sovereignty, You still know each one of us, each of Your creations, by name. I marvel at the love You have for us, and the care You take with us.

You can see the past and the futureYou are outside of time. You knew when a famine was coming in Egypt, and cared to let them know in advance.

You spoke revelation through dreams and gave the interpretation to Joseph. And because of that, people were saved from the famine, and Your promise was preservedYour covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was upheld.

As great as You are, You still communicate with us in ways we can understand; as in parables.

We can understand a crop with weeds sewn into it, and how harvest time works. We can see when a tiny seed grows into a large tree, or the action of yeast causing bread dough to rise. We know the draw and value of treasure and pearls.

Thank You for caring to communicate with us; to show us the way to have relationship with You: The Almighty God of the Universe.

And as we can only voice our faith and trust in You through the words we understand, we join with the Psalmist David in saying; “You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refugeYou are my shield and the horn of my salvationmy stronghold. I call to You, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”

“I love YouO Lord, my strength.” Amen

Genesis 41:17-42:17Matthew 13:24-46Psalm 18:1-3

Feb 22 Who is Jesus to you?

who-is-jesusHeavenly Father, it amazes me that even in Your presence here on earth, with all the wisdom You shared in Your teachings, all the authority You spoke with, all the healings and miracles You performed, people didn’t recognize and acknowledge who You were.

Those in Your hometown wondered, amazed by You, but had no faith in someone they believed they already knew.  Others thought You were a prophet, or the reincarnated spirit of a prophet.

To some You were their healer, a miracle worker who raised loved ones from the dead.  To some, a blasphemer claiming divinity.  To others a confusing juxtaposition of holy teacher and friend of sinners.

To a very few, Messiah.

I wonder, who I would have thought You were, had I been alive and in the region at that time?

You said and did things that were against conventional teachingsYet all You did, You did in love.

You spoke to hundreds, thousands at a time, yet met each individual where they were.

You spoke in puzzling parables, yet to those who were called, they made perfect sense.

You fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, yet people who knew the prophecies, didn’t recognize what was happening.

It must have been a confusing time.  Yet thanks to You, I can know and be sure of my salvation because You have told me: You chose me before the foundation of the world.”  So, no matter when I was born, or where; to me You are Jeshua Meshiac, Jesus Christ, Messiah, the Son of God, my Savior, my God, my King.  Amen

Mark 6:1-6; Ephesians 1:4

Feb 22 Who is Jesus to you?


Heavenly Father, it amazes me that even in Your presence here on earth, with all the wisdom You shared in Your teachings, all the authority You spoke with, all the healings and miracles You performed, people didn’t recognize and acknowledge who You were.

Those in Your hometown wondered, amazed by You, but had no faith in someone they believed they already knew.  Others thought You were a prophet, or the reincarnated spirit of a prophet.

To some You were their healer, a miracle worker who raised loved ones from the dead.  To some, a blasphemer claiming divinity.  To others a confusing juxtaposition of holy teacher and friend of sinners.

To a very few, Messiah.

I wonder, who I would have thought You were, had I been alive and in the region at that time?

You said and did things that were against conventional teachings.  Yet all You did, You did in love.

You spoke to hundreds, thousands at a time, yet met each individual where they were.

You spoke in puzzling parables, yet to those who were called, they made perfect sense.

You fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, yet people who knew the prophecies, didn’t recognize what was happening.

It must have been a confusing time.  Yet thanks to You, I can know and be sure of my salvation because You have told me: “You chose me before the foundation of the world.”  So, no matter when I was born, or where; to me You are Jeshua Meshiac, Jesus Christ, Messiah, the Son of God, my Savior, my God, my King.  Amen

Mark 6:1-6; Ephesians 1:4


Jan 20 Indescribable Uncontainable

jesus-and-worldI continue to be amazed, Lord God, at the magnitude of the height of Your glory. You made the sun and stars, everything in the heavens.

As humans, we are just beginning to understand the depth of the workings of the cosmos.

All we know about our universe could fit on the head of a pin compared to what You were able to imagine and bring into being.

Even beyond our meager understanding, You had the ability, the power to create what You imagined. And by Your hand it is all kept in balance and in motion.

Yet, with the incredible greatness and the boundless vastness of Your power and sovereignty, You still know each one of us, each of Your creations, by name. I marvel at the love You have for us, and the care You take with us.

You can see the past and the future. You are outside of time. You knew when a famine was coming in Egypt, and cared to let them know in advance. You spoke revelation through dreams and gave the interpretation to Joseph. And because of that, people were saved from the famine, and Your promise was preserved; Your covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was upheld.

As great as You are, You still communicate with us in ways we can understand; as an example: parables. We can understand a crop with weeds sewn into it, and how harvest time works. We can see when a tiny seed grows into a large tree, or the action of yeast causing bread dough to rise. We know the draw and value of treasure and pearls.

Thank You for caring to communicate with us; to show us the way to have relationship with You: the Almighty God of the Universe.

And as we can only voice our faith and trust in You through the words we understand, we join with the Psalmist David in saying; “You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. You are my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to You, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.” 

“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” Amen

Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-3

Feb 22 Who is Jesus to you?


Heavenly Father, it amazes me that even in Your presence here on earth, with all the wisdom You shared in Your teachings, all the authority You spoke with, all the healings and miracles You performed, people didn’t recognize and acknowledge who You were.

Those in Your hometown wondered, amazed by You, but had no faith in someone they believed they already knew.  Others thought You were a prophet, or the reincarnated spirit of a prophet.

To some You were their healer, a miracle worker who raised loved ones from the dead.  To some, a blasphemer claiming divinity.  To others a confusing juxtaposition of holy teacher and friend of sinners.

To a very few, Messiah.

I wonder, who I would have thought You were, had I been alive and in the region at that time?

You said and did things that were against conventional teachings.  Yet all You did, You did in love.

You spoke to hundreds, thousands at a time, yet met each individual where they were.

You spoke in puzzling parables, yet to those who were called, they made perfect sense.

You fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, yet people who knew the prophecies, didn’t recognize what was happening.

It must have been a confusing time.  Yet thanks to You, I can know and be sure of my salvation because You have told me: “You chose me before the foundation of the world.”  So, no matter when I was born, or where; to me You are Jeshua Meshiac, Jesus Christ, Messiah, the Son of God, my Savior, my God, my King.  Amen

Mark 6:1-6; Ephesians 1:4

Feb 19 Whoever has ears, let him hear

close-up-18753_640“Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.” 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me ears to hear.

Help them to be tuned in to Your frequency so I can hear Your voice, or see, what You are saying to me in Your Word, in prayer, through other believers, and in my circumstances.

Help me keep my ears clean of the build up that might block my hearing You – the negative talk I say to myself, the self-doubt and self-criticism.  And keep them clear of infection; sin which would dull my senses to what You would say.

Forgive me for the times I have blocked my ears because I did not want to hear the correction You were speaking to me, or the step I was too afraid to take.

I pray that in hearing, I would gain understanding.

Hearing is only half the process.  Not only do I need to hear what You are saying, but also understand what it means to me.

Thank You for the times You explained what You meant in scripture parables so the message would be clear.

Thank You for the times You have provided confirmation to me when I was unsure.

Thank You that the more I listen and obey, the more I understand.

I have ears to hear, let me hear.   Amen

Mark 4:1-25

Mar 4 Worship! And Stand!



Clap your hands! Raise your voice! Sing hymns and worship songs at the top of your lungs! Put on a worship music tape and crank up the volume! Don’t be bashful – show your joy! Your God is the One and Only True God who has more power than any person, any force, anything on this earth!


He is more powerful than Mother Nature! He rose from the dead while other proclaimed ‘deities’ are in their graves! The story of His creating the earth and choosing a people for Himself has been a best seller ever since there has been a printing press! It has been translated into 3,223 languages!

I live in a country that is not subject to a king, but Jesus Christ is my King – the King of Kings! I owe Him my praise and will sing out to Him.   I will hum quietly, sway and clap, sing in the shower, and with others at gatherings. I will play any instrument I can, write new songs, sing along with youtube videos that make me cry, and continue to sing through tears!

God reigns and rules, but not from an earthly throne in a temple or synagogue or sanctuary. And not on a mountaintop or in a river or floating on a cloud. There is a reality that cannot be seen by the human eye and cannot be described completely by human words. And in that place, is a great throne room, with Him seated on His Holy throne.

Because I cannot see it, Jesus draws me pictures with parables: a vineyard owner who went on a journey renting out the land. This is something I can visualize and understand. Though the owner is not present, he exists, and is still the owner, and is due the income from the land and the respect of the people.   It is the same with God. Just because I cannot see Him, I should not doubt He is real. Or think that He will not come for what is His.

pexels-photoWhen the storm comes, and I believe it is coming to our country in my time, and has swept by; O Lord, may I still be standing firm. Amen

Mark 12:1-12; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 10:25

Jan 20 Indescribable Uncontainable

jesus-and-worldI continue to be amazed, Lord God, at the magnitude of the height of Your glory. You made the sun and stars, everything in the heavens.

As humans, we are just beginning to understand the depth of the workings of the cosmos. All we know about our universe could fit on the head of a pin compared to what You were able to imagine and bring into being. Even beyond our meager understanding, You had the ability, the power to create what You imagined. And by Your hand it is all kept in balance and in motion.

Yet, with the incredible greatness and the boundless vastness of Your power and sovereignty, You still know each one of us, each of Your creations, by name. I marvel at the love You have for us, and the care You take with us.

You can see the past and the future. You are outside of time. You knew when a famine was coming in Egypt, and cared to let them know in advance. You spoke revelation through dreams and gave the interpretation to Joseph. And because of that, people were saved from the famine, and Your promise was preserved; Your covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was upheld.

As great as You are, You still communicate with us in ways we can understand; as an example: parables. We can understand a crop with weeds sewn into it, and how harvest time works. We can see when a tiny seed grows into a large tree, or the action of yeast causing bread dough to rise. We know the draw and value of treasure and pearls.

Thank You for caring to communicate with us; to show us the way to have relationship with You: the Almighty God of the Universe. And as we can only voice our faith and trust in You through the words we understand, we join with the Psalmist David in saying; “You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. You are my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to You, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”

“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” Amen

Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-3

Mar 4 Worship! And Stand!


Clap your hands! Raise your voice! Sing hymns and worship songs at the top of your lungs! Put on a worship music tape and crank up the volume! Don’t be bashful – show your joy! Your God is the One and Only True God who has more power than any person, any force, anything on this earth!

He is more powerful than Mother Nature! He rose from the dead while other proclaimed ‘deities’ are in their graves! The story of His creating the earth and choosing a people for Himself has been a best seller ever since there has been a printing press! It has been translated into 3,223 languages!

I live in a country that, by His grace, has up till now subdued every enemy who has come against us keeping our nation free from persecution and outside rule. He chose to bless us and show His love to us in our freedoms and prosperity.

We do not live in subject to a king, but Jesus Christ is my King – the King of Kings! I owe Him my praise and will sing out to Him.   I will hum quietly, sway and clap, sing in the shower, and with others at gatherings. I will play any instrument I can, write new songs, sing along with youtube videos that make me cry, and continue to sing through tears!

God reigns and rules, but not from an earthly throne in a temple or synagogue or sanctuary. And not on a mountaintop or in a river or floating on a cloud. There is a reality that cannot be seen by the human eye and cannot be described completely by human words. And in that place, is a great throne room, with Him seated on His Holy throne.

Because I cannot see it, Jesus draws me pictures with parables: a vineyard owner who went on a journey renting out the land. This is something I can visualize and understand. Though the owner is not present, he exists, and is still the owner, and is due the income from the land and the respect of the people.   It is the same with God. Just because I cannot see Him, I should not doubt He is real. Or think that He will not come for what is His.

When the storm comes, and I believe it is coming to our country in my time, and has swept by; O Lord, may I still be standing firm. Amen

Mark 12:1-12; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 10:25


Jan 20 Indescribable Uncontainable


I continue to be amazed, Lord God, at the magnitude of the height of Your glory. You made the sun and stars, everything in the heavens. As humans, we are just beginning to understand the depth of the workings of the cosmos. All we know about our universe could fit on the head of a pin compared to what You were able to imagine and bring into being. Even beyond our meager understanding, You had the ability, the power to create what You imagined. And by Your hand it is all kept in balance and in motion.

Yet, with the incredible greatness and the boundless vastness of Your power and sovereignty, You still know each one of us, each of Your creations, by name. I marvel at the love You have for us, and the care You take with us.

You can see the past and the future. You are outside of time. You knew when a famine was coming in Egypt, and cared to let them know in advance. You spoke revelation through dreams and gave the interpretation to Joseph. And because of that, people were saved from the famine, and Your promise was preserved; Your covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was upheld.

As great as You are, You still communicate with us in ways we can understand; as an example: parables. We can understand a crop with weeds sewn into it, and how harvest time works. We can see when a tiny seed grows into a large tree, or the action of yeast causing bread dough to rise. We know the draw and value of treasure and pearls.

Thank You for caring to communicate with us; to show us the way to have relationship with You: the Almighty God of the Universe. And as we can only voice our faith and trust in You through the words we understand, we join with the Psalmist David in saying; “You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. You are my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to You, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.” 

“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” Amen

Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-3