Tag: quiet

June 13 You still and quiet my soul

pray-2558490_640Father, there are times when I come before You in prayer feeling like things are going well.  I feel in the center of Your will and I have no concerns.  I am blessed in the sense of peace all around me.

There are times when I have small issues that are so easy for You to show me solutions.  They may take time and action, but are easily handled with Your help.

And then there are times when I am so anxious over circumstances that I lay my heart open for You to see and heal.  I prepare for battle with Your armor and You send me out with marching orders against the enemy.  And I am victorious!

But sometimes, when I see the overwhelming personal issues: illness, death; and larger ones that ravage the world, my country, Your people: suffering, hunger, corruption, oppression, injustice, terrorism, to name a few; I am overcome by how small I am and how helpless I feel. 

These are the times I come to You and lay my head on Your shoulder.  I wrap my arms around You, bury my face in Your robes and nuzzle in, breathing in Your power, and Your peace.

I am calmed, because I know that You are in control.  I understand that this is not a battle You have called me to, but that You have it completely in hand.  And I need not worry about it.

These verses describe what I feel:

“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.  But I have stilled and quieted my soul like weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

I know there are things You deal with that are too big for me to even be a part of.  And like a child who no longer breastfeeds, when that child goes to its mother, there is no physical hunger to be satisfied –only peace and calm derived from the safety and security the mother offers.

That’s what I feel in You.  I know that the world is in Your capable handsand I can rest contented.  You are my hope, now and forevermore.

Thank You for this lovely picture.   And for being the One I can trust and rest in.  Amen

Psalm 131:1-3

Jun 13 You still and quiet my soul

Father, how often do I come before You in prayer feeling so overwhelmed by life?

There are some times when I feel like things are going well.  I feel in the center of Your will and I have no concerns.  I am blessed in the sense of peace all around me.

There are times when I have small issues that are so easy for You to show me solutions.  They may take time and action, but are easily handled with Your help.

And then there are times when I am so anxious over circumstances that I lay my heart open for You to see and heal.  I prepare for battle with Your armor and You send me out with marching orders against the enemy.  And I am victorious!

But sometimes, when I see the overwhelming personal issues: illness, death; and larger ones that ravage the world, my country, Your people: suffering, hunger, corruption, oppression, injustice, terrorism, to name a few; I am overcome by how small I am and how helpless I feel. 

These are the times I come to You and lay my head on Your shoulder.  I wrap my arms around You, bury my face in Your robes and nuzzle in, breathing in Your power, and Your peace.

I am calmed, because I know that You are in control.  I understand that this is not a battle You have called me to, but that You have it completely in hand.  And I need not worry about it.

These verses describe what I feel:

“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.  But I have stilled and quieted my soul like weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

I know there are things You deal with that are too big for me to even be a part of.  And like a child who no longer breastfeeds, when that child goes to its mother, there is no physical hunger to be satisfied –only peace and calm derived from the safety and security the mother offers.

That’s what I feel in You.  I know that the world is in Your capable handsand I can rest contented.  You are my hope, now and forevermore.

Thank You for this lovely picture.   And for being the One I can trust and rest in.  Amen

Psalm 131:1-3

June 13 You still and quiet my soul

Father, how often do I come before You in prayer feeling so overwhelmed by life?

There are some times when I feel like things are going well.  I feel in the center of Your will and I have no concerns.  I am blessed in the sense of peace all around me.

There are times when I have small issues that are so easy for You to show me solutions.  They may take time and action, but are easily handled with Your help.

And then there are times when I am so anxious over circumstances that I lay my heart open for You to see and heal.  I prepare for battle with Your armor and You send me out with marching orders against the enemy.  And I am victorious!

But sometimes, when I see the overwhelming personal issues: illness, death; and larger ones that ravage the world, my country, Your people: suffering, hunger, corruption, oppression, injustice, terrorism, to name a few; I am overcome by how small I am and how helpless I feel. 

These are the times I come to You and lay my head on Your shoulder.  I wrap my arms around You, bury my face in Your robes and nuzzle in, breathing in Your power, and Your peace.

I am calmed, because I know that You are in control.  I understand that this is not a battle You have called me to, but that You have it completely in hand.  And I need not worry about it.

These verses describe what I feel:

“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.  But I have stilled and quieted my soul like weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

I know there are things You deal with that are too big for me to even be a part of.  And like a child who no longer breastfeeds, when that child goes to its mother, there is no physical hunger to be satisfied –only peace and calm derived from the safety and security the mother offers.

That’s what I feel in You.  I know that the world is in Your capable hands, and I can rest contented.  You are my hope, now and forevermore.

Thank You for this lovely picture.   And for being the One I can trust and rest in.  Amen

Psalm 131:1-3

Sept 2 Be still…


What a great reminder!

When I come to You, Father, I know that sometimes it’s on the run, and I just quickly dash off a prayer of need, or thanks, or praise to You.

But it’s in those times when I really prioritize spending time with You that I can calm myself: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – and truly sink into Your presence, that I am rewarded with a fresh realization and a deeper understanding of who You really are.

Lord, right now, I still my physical body, and ask You to quiet my mind, calm my emotions, open my spirit to hear only Your voice; and be sensitive to only Your presence.

It takes a moment or two, and some deep breaths and reciting this verse to myself.  “Be still and know I am God.”   Father, Creator, Counselor, Healer, Deliverer, Provider, Teacher, Savior, Comforter, Friend.  All these names, these ways You have revealed Yourself to me personally, and more come into my mind as I begin to focus on You, rather than on myself.

As worrisome thoughts enter my head, I give them to You.  One at a time.  You take them and ease them away from me.  You can handle whatever it is, because You are God.  I know this.  Not just “I-read-it-in-a-book” know it.  But “I-fully-understand-and-completely-trust” know it.

You are God and there is no other.  You are God and there is no other.  If I have trusted in any other gods, Lord, I renounce them.  My youth.  My appearance.  My energy and vitality.  My children.  Financial security.  My sense of what I can do for others.  I can’t believe how long the list is of things that I get my sense of identity from.  But I lay each of them down.  Who I am, my identity, comes only from You.  Forgive me for trusting in anything else.

As I read each pairing in these Ecclesiastes verses, I can feel You speaking to me.  You lead me to a place in my spirit where the one or the other makes sense in different areas of my life.  Thank You Lord, for showing me the way.

Thank You Father, for always being there when I show up to just “be still, and know that You are God.”  Amen

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Psalm 46:10

June 13 You still and quiet my soul

Father, how often do I come before You in prayer feeling so overwhelmed by life?

There are some times when I feel like things are going well.  I feel in the center of Your will and I have no concerns.  I am blessed in the sense of peace all around me.

There are times when I have small issues that are so easy for You to show me solutions.  They may take time and action, but are easily handled with Your help.

And then there are times when I am so anxious over circumstances that I lay my heart open for You to see and heal.  I prepare for battle with Your armor and You send me out with marching orders against the enemy.  And I am victorious!


But sometimes, when I see the overwhelming personal issues: illness, death; and larger ones that ravage the world, my country, Your people: suffering, hunger, corruption, oppression, injustice, terrorism, to name a few; I am overcome by how small I am and how helpless I feel.

These are the times I come to You and lay my head on Your shoulder.  I wrap my arms around You, bury my face in Your robes and nuzzle in, breathing in Your power, and Your peace.

I am calmed, because I know that You are in control.  I understand that this is not a battle You have called me to, but that You have it completely in hand.  And I need not worry about it.

These verses describe what I feel:

“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.  But I have stilled and quieted my soul like weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

I know there are things You deal with that are too big for me to even be a part of.  And like a child who no longer breastfeeds, when that child goes to its mother, there is no physical hunger to be satisfied –only peace and calm derived from the safety and security the mother offers.

That’s what I feel in You.  I know that the world is in Your capable hands, and I can rest contented.  You are my hope, now and forevermore.

Thank You for this lovely picture.   And for being the One I can trust and rest in.  Amen

Psalm 131:1-3

Jun 13 You still and quiet my soul

Father, how often do I come before You in prayer feeling so overwhelmed by life?

There are some times when I feel like things are going well.  I feel in the center of Your will and I have no concerns.  I am blessed in the sense of peace all around me.

There are times when I have small issues that are so easy for You to show me solutions.  They may take time and action, but are easily handled with Your help.

mother-2605132_640And then there are times when I am so anxious over circumstances that I lay my heart open for You to see and heal.  I prepare for battle with Your armor and You send me out with marching orders against the enemy.

But sometimes, when I see the overwhelming personal issues: illness, death; and larger ones that ravage the world, my country, Your people: suffering, hunger, corruption, oppression, terrorism, to name a few; I am overcome by how small I am and how helpless I feel.

These are the times I come to You and lay my head on Your shoulder.  I wrap my arms around You, bury my face in Your robes and nuzzle in, breathing in Your power, and Your peace.

I am calmed, because I know that You are in control.  I understand that this is not a battle You have called me to, but that You have it completely in hand.  And I need not worry about it.

These verses describe what I feel:

“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.  But I have stilled and quieted my soul like weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

I know there are things You deal with that are too big for me to even be a part of.  And like a child who no longer breastfeeds, when that child goes to its mother, there is no physical hunger to be satisfied –only peace and calm derived from the safety and security the mother offers.

That’s what I feel in You.  I know that the world is in Your capable hands, and I can rest contented.  Thank You for this lovely picture.   And for being the One I can trust and rest in.  Amen

Psalm 131:1-3

Feb 23 Time for God?




“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done…Jesus said ‘Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’”



 Father, what a wonderful thing for all of us to do. How long has it been since I came and reported, told You about all I have been doing? And when was the last time I came away by myself with just You to a quiet place and got some rest? I so greatly benefit from spending time with just You – in a place where the world doesn’t burst in interrupting with urgent texts, emails, phone calls. Where everywhere I look I don’t see something to clean or organize or jump up and take care of.

I believe this is important: spending quiet, focused time with You. In a time when multi-tasking has been raised to an art form, and busy-ness is worshipped, You have a message here that stops me in my tracks. Help me make uninterrupted, intentional time with You a priority.

I have been on silent retreats before, just alone with You in a place that values exactly that. It is so important to get away from the routine and distractions that eat away at my time and sap my energy. It was wonderful to give You the first time in my day, and the last, and every minute in between. On some occasions You have shown me a new direction or a specific answer to prayer, or a revelation of Your hand in my life. Sometimes You have given me a fresh perspective or encouragement for the path I’m on.   Other times, I simply get to spend quality and quantity time with You, the Almighty Creator of the Universe.   Time well spent.

Thank You for the reminder of how important it is to come away with You to a quiet place and get some rest. It’s been too long. Amen

Mark 6:30

Sept 2 A Time for everything

wood-bench-986347_640“Be still and know I am God”.  What a great reminder! When I come to You, Father, I know that sometimes it’s on the run, and I just quickly dash off a prayer of need, or thanks, or praise to You. But it’s in those times when I really prioritize spending time with You that I can calm myself: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – and truly sink into Your presence, that I am rewarded with a fresh realization and a deeper understanding of who You really are.

Lord, right now, I still my physical body, and ask You to quiet my mind, calm my emotions, open my spirit to hear only Your voice; and be sensitive to only Your presence. It takes a moment or two, and some deep breaths and reciting this verse to myself. “Be still and know I am God”.

As worrisome thoughts enter my head, I give them to You. One at a time, You take them and ease them away from me. You can handle whatever it is, because You are God. I know this. Not just ‘I-read-it-in-a-book’ know it. But ‘I-fully-understand-and-completely-trust’ know it. You are God and there is no other. You are God and there is no other.

If I have trusted in any other gods, Lord, I renounce them: youth, appearance, energy, vitality, children, financial security, what I can do for others. There is a long the list of things that I sometimes gain my identity from. But I lay each of them down. My identity, who I really am, comes only from You. Forgive me for trusting in anything else.

I seek Your direction Lord, for the rhythm and timing of my life. Solomon wrote it all out Lord. You have created “a time for everything under heaven”. “A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…” It goes on. And I realize Father that I need to, I want to seek Your will for the rhythm and timing of my life. Father, help me know when to “keep” and when to “throw away”. I am already sensing I am moving into a time of not keeping so many things. Help me know when to “speak” and when to “be silent”, when to “search” and when to “give up”, when to “embrace” and when to “refrain from embracing”.

As I read each pairing I can feel You speaking to me. You lead me to a place in my spirit where either one or the other makes sense in different areas of my life. Thank You Lord. Thank You for always being there when I show up to just “be still, and know that You are God.” Amen

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Psalm 46:10