Tag: righteousness

June 4 My All

cross-1177327_640Father, I am not free of sin like David in this song.  I cannot say I have been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways.  And yet, You grant me righteousness.  You cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

It is only with this status that I can see and not be afraid.  You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strengthenable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me great.  You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.”  You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So Father, as our world now is full of violence, war, injustice, do now as You did for David:

Avenge those who have been persecuted or killed.

Rescue us from violent men and women.

Pursue these enemies and crush them.

Make a way for all around the world to hear Your Good News of salvation.

And we will lift up Your name.  I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice.  You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer.  You are the Rock upon which my faith is built.  I trust in You.  Thank You.   Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

Aug 16 Your eyes, Your ears, Your heart

shield-441403_640Father, thank You that I have a permanent righteousness that comes from You; so I can know that when You talk about “the righteous” in scripture, I am included.   And Your promises to them are true for me.

First of all, “Your eyes are on me,” is a powerful deterrent.  Realizing that You are watching helps me remember that I am accountable for my actions.

You instruct me to “keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies.”  And since I know You are watching, that is enough to stop me in my tracks, and make me think before I speak or act.  If I would think to impress someone or sway them with an exaggeration or lie, Your Holy Spirit reminds me that You know when I lie.  And I would have to live with not only the consequences, but also conviction and guilt if I proceed.

It’s so easy to step into sin, to follow a broad path that others around me are taking without a thought.  But You tell me to “turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.”  You remind me to be intentional about doing good.  And challenge me to think about what I’m doing, regardless of what others might be doing.

When doing good, it’s not likely that I will do what is evil.  So protection from evil is built in to doing good and seeking peace.

But also, “Your eyes are on me” is an awesome reassurance!  I know that You see everything!  Nothing that happens to me is beyond Your notice.   And You will rescue and defend me when I need help.

Your ears are attentive to my cry.”   You are as close as a whisper.  And when I call, “You hear me; You deliver me from all my troubles.”  Does this mean I will never have difficulties?  No.  But I will always know that You are with me.  That You will deliver me and give me Your peace.

“You are close to the brokenhearted.”  Oh Father, I have been there.  Circumstances in my life that have been the result of illnesses, accidents, injustice, evil – even my own ignorance or pride – break my heart and bring me to my knees.  But in it all, I know You are here and that You care for me.  You will help me through, no matter what.  You will lend me Your strength.

Thank You Father, that I have these assurances of Your attention, of Your presence, of Your power to save me.  That is all I need.  Amen

Psalm 34:11-22

July 19 Walking Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.”  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me:

money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.

Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of “honesty.”

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.

Keep me away from malicious gossip.

Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.

Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.

Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.

Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-19Psalm 15:1-5

July 16 Robed in Righteousness

clothed-in-christThank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own. 

You know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.

I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.” 

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13Romans 3:9-26Psalm 12:1

Jun 4 My All

cross-1177327_640Father, I am not free of sin like David in this song.  I cannot say I have been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways.  And yet, You grant me righteousness.  You cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

It is only with this status that I can see and not be afraid.  You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strengthenable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me great.  You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.”  You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So Father, as You did for David:

Avenge those who have been persecuted or killed.

Rescue us from violent men and women.

Pursue these enemies and crush them.

And we will lift up Your name.  I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice.  You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer.  You are the Rock upon which my faith is built.  I trust in You.  Thank You.   Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

July 19 Walking Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.”  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me:

money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.

Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of “honesty.”

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.

Keep me away from malicious gossip.

Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.

Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.

Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.  Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-19; Psalm 15:1-5

July 16 Robed in Righteousness

clothed-in-christThank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own. 

You know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.

I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.” 

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13; Romans 3:9-26; Psalm 12:1

June 4 My All

cross-1177327_640Father, I am not free of sin like David in this song.  I cannot say I have been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways.  And yet, You grant me righteousnessYou cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

It is only with this status that I can see and not be afraid.  You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strength, enable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me greatYou broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.”  You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So Father, as You did for David: avenge those who have been persecuted or killed.  Rescue us from violent men and women.  Pursue these enemies and crush them.

And we will lift up Your name.  I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice.  You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer.  You are the Rock upon which my faith is built.  I trust in You.  Thank You.   Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

Aug 16 Your eyes, Your ears, Your heart

shield-441403_640Father, thank You that I have a permanent righteousness that comes from You; so I can know that when You talk about “the righteous” in scripture, I am included.   And Your promises to them are true for me.

First of all, “Your eyes are on me,” is a powerful deterrent.  Realizing that You are watching helps me remember that I am accountable for my actions.

You instruct me to “keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies.”  And since I know You are watching, that is enough to stop me in my tracks, and make me think before I speak or act.  If I would think to impress someone or sway them with an exaggeration or lie, Your Holy Spirit reminds me that You know when I lie.  And I would have to live with not only the consequences, but also conviction and guilt if I proceed.

It’s so easy to step into sin, to follow a broad path that others around me are taking without a thought.  But You tell me to “turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.”  You remind me to be intentional about doing good.  And challenge me to think about what I’m doing, regardless of what others might be doing.

When doing good, it’s not likely that I will do what is evil.  So protection from evil is built in to doing good and seeking peace.

But also, “Your eyes are on me” is an awesome reassurance!  I know that You see everything!  Nothing that happens to me is beyond Your notice.   And You will rescue and defend me when I need help.

Your ears are attentive to my cry.”   You are as close as a whisper.  And when I call, “You hear me; You deliver me from all my troubles.”  Does this mean I will never have difficulties?  No.  But I will always know that You are with me.  That You will deliver me and give me Your peace.

“You are close to the brokenhearted.”  Oh Father, I have been there.  Circumstances in my life that have been the result of illnesses, accidents, injustice, evil – even my own ignorance or pride – break my heart and bring me to my knees.  But in it all, I know You are here and that You care for me.  You will help me through, no matter what.  You will lend me Your strength.

Thank You Father, that I have these assurances of Your attention, of Your presence, of Your power to save me.  That is all I need.  Amen

Psalm 34:11-22

July 16 Robed in Righteousness

Thank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own. 

You know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.

I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.” 

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13; Romans 3:9-26; Psalm 12:1

June 4 My All

cross-1177327_640Father, I am not free of sin like David in this song.  I cannot say I have been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways.  And yet, You grant me righteousness.  You cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

It is only with this status that I can see and not be afraid.  You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strength, enable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me great.  You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.”  You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So Father, as You did for David: avenge those who have been persecuted or killed.  Rescue us from violent men and women.  Pursue these enemies and crush them.

And we will lift up Your name.  I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice.  You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer.  You are the Rock upon which my faith is built.  I trust in You.  Thank You.  Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

Aug 16 Your eyes, Your ears, Your heart


Father, thank You that I have a permanent righteousness that comes from You; so that I can know when You talk about “the righteous” in scripture, I am included.   And Your promises to them are true for me.  It’s like you are speaking right to me.


“Your eyes are on me”  is a double edged sword!  Realizing You are watching me is a powerful deterrent.  It helps me remember that I am accountable to You for my actions. 

You instruct me to “keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies.” Knowing You are watching me is often enough to stop me in my tracks, and think before I speak or act.  If I thought to impress someone or sway them to my argument with an exaggeration or lie, Your Holy Spirit reminds me that You know when I lie.  And I would have to live with the consequences and conviction if I proceeded with it.

You tell me to “turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.”  It is so easy to step into sin, to follow a broad path that others around me are taking without a thought.  But knowing “Your eyes are on me” challenges me to think about what I’m doing, regardless of what others are doing.

You remind me to be intentional about doing good.  When doing good, it is not likely that I will do what is evil.  So protection is built in to doing good and seeking peace.

But “Your eyes are on me” is also an awesome reassurance!  I know that You see everything!  Nothing that happens to me is beyond Your notice.   And You will rescue and defend me when I need help.

Your ears are attentive to my cry.”   You are as close as a whisper.  And when I call, “You hear me; You deliver me from all my troubles.”   Does this mean I will never have difficulties?  No.  But I will always know that You are with me.  That You will deliver me and give me Your peace.

“You are close to the brokenhearted.”  Oh Father, I have been there.  Circumstances in my life that have been the result of illnesses, accidents, injustice, evil – even my own ignorance or pride – they break my heart and bring me to my knees.  But in it all, I know that again, You are here.  You are with me.  You will help me through, no matter what.  You will lend me Your strength.

Thank You Father, that I have these assurances of Your attention, of Your presence, of Your power to save me.  It is all I need.  Amen

Psalm 34:11-22

July 19 Help me walk Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things.”  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me:

money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.

Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of “honesty.”

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.

Keep me away from malicious gossip.

Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.

Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.

Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.  Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-19; Psalm 15:1-5

July 16 Robed in Righteousness

Thank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own.

clothed-in-christYou know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.

I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.”

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13; Romans 3:9-26; Psalm 12:1

June 4 My All


Father, I am not free of sin like David in this song.  I cannot say I have been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways.  And yet, You grant me righteousness.  You cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

It is only with this status that I can see and not be afraid.  You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strength, enable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, “You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me great.  You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.”  You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So Father, as You did for David: avenge those who have been persecuted or killed.  Rescue us from violent men and women.  Pursue these enemies and crush them.

And we will lift up Your name.  I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice.  You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer.  You are the Rock upon which my faith is built.  I trust in You.  Thank You.   Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

May 16 Praying Psalm 112

praying-hands-on-bibleFather, I pray the words of this Psalm for myself, and my loved ones.

I give You praise!

Blessed am I because I fear You – have an earnest respect for You – and delight in knowing and obeying Your commands.  May my children be mighty in the futures You have promised them.  May they live uprightly so their generation will be blessed.

Thank You that I possess wealth and riches.  Perhaps not as the world recognizes wealth and riches, but as You count them.   And thank You that Your righteousness remains with me forever.

Even in the dark and challenging times we find ourselves in, let me live in Your light as You give me grace and compassion to deal with whatever comes.  Your goodness pours into my life.  Let me generously pass that goodness on to others.  I will seek Your justice in conducting my affairs and act in accordance.

As I have planted my faith in You, I will never be shaken.  The circumstances of  the world will not make me fall apart.  Keep my heart strong even in the face of bad news, so I will not fear.  And draw me ever closer to You, who I trust completely.

Because I know that You win in the end, my heart and mind are secure.  I know that at the end of the age, when You return, all Your foes will be vanquished, and I will look triumphantly on those enemies.

I will send my service and prayers and financial support to the poor, here and around the world.  Let Your righteousness done through me be remembered forever.  And my family be remembered honorably.  Amen

Psalm 112:1-9

Aug 16 Your eyes, Your ears, Your heart

shield-441403_640Father, thank You that I have a permanent righteousness that comes from You; so I can know that when You talk about “the righteous” in scripture, I am included.   And Your promises to them are true for me.

First of all, “Your eyes are on me,” is a powerful deterrent.  Realizing that You are watching helps me remember that I am accountable for my actions.

You instruct me to “keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies.”  And since I know You are watching, that is enough to stop me in my tracks, and make me think before I speak or act.  If I would think to impress someone or sway them with an exaggeration or lie, Your Holy Spirit reminds me that You know when I lie.  And I would have to live with not only the consequences, but also conviction and guilt if I proceed.

It’s so easy to step into sin, to follow a broad path that others around me are taking without a thought.  But You tell me to “turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.”  You remind me to be intentional about doing good.  And challenge me to think about what I’m doing, regardless of what others might be doing.

When doing good, it’s not likely that I will do what is evil.  So protection from evil is built in to doing good and seeking peace.

But also, “Your eyes are on me” is an awesome reassurance!  I know that You see everything!  Nothing that happens to me is beyond Your notice.   And You will rescue and defend me when I need help.

Your ears are attentive to my cry.”   You are as close as a whisper.  And when I call, “You hear me; You deliver me from all my troubles.”  Does this mean I will never have difficulties?  No.  But I will always know that You are with me.  That You will deliver me and give me Your peace.

“You are close to the brokenhearted.”  Oh Father, I have been there.  Circumstances in my life that have been the result of illnesses, accidents, injustice, evil – even my own ignorance or pride – break my heart and bring me to my knees.  But in it all, I know You are here and that You care for me.  You will help me through, no matter what.  You will lend me Your strength.

Thank You Father, that I have these assurances of Your attention, of Your presence, of Your power to save me.  That is all I need.  Amen

Psalm 34:11-22

Jul 19 Help me walk Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things”.  He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple.  And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me: money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts.  Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people.  David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way.  Remind me to speak the truth from my heart.  If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it.  Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of ‘honesty’.

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.   Keep me away from malicious gossip.  Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me.  Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me.  Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy.  Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken.”  Father, You give me solid ground to stand on.  Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved.  Thank You.  Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-30; Psalm 15:1-5

Jul 16 Robed in Righteousness


Thank You Father for giving me a righteousness I could never earn on my own.

You know human tendencies and have proclaimed “There is no one righteous, not even one.”  David even wrote in a song: “the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.”

When You gave the Law You knew no one could ever live up to that standard.  What it did was make people aware of their sin, pointing them to their need for a Savior.

“But now a righteousness from God, apart from the Law, has been made known.  The Law and the Prophets testify to it.  This righteousness from God comes from faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.”   The Savior that was needed is a gift from You.  So thanks to You, I have the righteousness that will allow me to live and be with You forever.

David knew this righteousness, even in his sin.  And he knew You would keep Your promise to him.  He had dreams for his son, as I have for mine, and prayed for Solomon.  I join him in asking that my sons “will be [men] of peace and rest…that You would be with them and give them success…may You give [them] discretion and understanding…[may they] be strong and courageous and not afraid or discouraged.”

Father, I thank You for Your righteousness.  Apart from You I have nothing.  I am nothing.   You protect me and keep me safe.  No matter the circumstance, my faith and my trust are in You.   Amen

I Chronicles 22:1-13; Romans 3:9-26; Psalm 12:1

May 16 Praying Psalm 112


Father, I pray the words of this Psalm for myself, and my loved ones.

I give You praise!

Blessed am I because I fear You – have an earnest respect for You – and delight in knowing and obeying Your commands.  May my children be mighty in the futures You have promised them.  May they live uprightly so their generation will be blessed.

Thank You that I possess wealth and riches.  Perhaps not as the world recognizes wealth and riches, but as You count them.   And thank You that Your righteousness remains with me forever.

Even in the dark times, let me live in Your light as You give me grace and compassion to deal with whatever comes.  Let goodness pour into my life.  And let me generously pass that goodness on to others.  I will seek Your justice in conducting my affairs and act in accordance.

As I have planted my faith in You, I will never be shaken.  The world will not make me fall apart.  Keep my heart strong even in the face of bad news, so I will not fear.  And draw me ever closer to You, who I trust completely.

Because I know that You win in the end, my heart and mind are secure.  I know that at the end of the age, when You return, all Your foes will be vanquished, and I will look triumphantly on those enemies.

I will send my service and prayers and financial support to the poor, here and around the world.  Let Your righteousness done through me be remembered forever.  And my family be remembered honorably.  Amen

Psalm 112:1-9

Nov 14 Help me run the race

Father, I love Your Words in today’s Scriptures!  And I pray them back to You.


From Hebrews:  “Therefore…let [me] throw off everything that hinders [me] and the sin that so easily entangles [me], and let [me] run with perseverance the race [You] marked out for [me].  Let [me] fix [my] eyes on You, the Author and Perfecter of [my] faith…”

Father, point out to me anything that is a hindrance to my being obedient to You; so I follow the course You have laid out for me.

I know You give me choices.  There are many things I could do, many ways to spend the energy You give me that would serve You and be a blessing to others.  But I also believe that when I am able to use the talents and spiritual gifts You have given specifically to me, I will experience more growth and more fruitfulness.

In that role I believe I will have more perseverance, more joy, and more success than if I go off on my own.  So I will fix my eyes on You, look to You for direction.  Open my eyes to see You, and all You have to show me.

From Psalm 112: I pray that “[my husband and my sons] will be blessed as men who fear the Lord, who find great delight in Your commands.  [May their] children be mighty in the land.  [Would You place] wealth and riches in [their] houses and [let their] righteousness endure forever. 

Even in darkness, let light dawn [for them].  [Let them] be gracious and compassionate and righteous men.  Let good come to [them when they are] generous… and conduct their affairs with justice.  [Father, let them] never be shaken from their faith.” 

“[Lord, let them] have no fear of bad news; [but let their] hearts be steadfast, trusting in You.  [Whatever comes, let them] have no fear; and in the end, look in triumph on their foes.  [Let them] scatter abroad their gifts to the poor.  [Let their] righteousness endure, and lift [them] high in honor.”

Father, if they are not as described here yet, bring them to this place.  Draw them to You.  Teach them.  Let them know Your voice and feel Your love.

Lord, for them and myself, bring people and circumstances into our lives that will make us stronger, better, more obedient followers.  Use others as iron to sharpen us to be useful tools in Your mighty hands.  Thank You.  Amen

Hebrews 12:1-3; Psalm 112:1-10; Proverbs 27:17

Aug 16 Your eyes, Your ears, Your heart


Father, thank You that I have a permanent righteousness that comes from You; so that I can know when You talk about “the righteous” in scripture, I am included.   And Your promises to them are true for me.  It’s like You are speaking right to me.

“Your eyes are on me.” What a powerful deterrent that is, realizing that You are watching me. It helps me remember that I am accountable to You for my actions.

You instruct me to “keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies”. And since I know You are watching me, that thought is enough to sometimes stop me in my tracks, and make me think before I speak or act. If I would think to impress someone or sway them to my argument with an exaggeration or lie, Your Holy Spirit reminds me that You know when I lie. And I would have to live with not only the consequences, but also that conviction and guilt if I proceeded with it.

You tell me to “turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.” It is so easy to step into sin, to follow a broad path that others around me are taking without a thought. But knowing “Your eyes are on me” challenges me to think about what I’m doing, regardless of what others are doing.

You remind me to be intentional about doing good. When doing good, it is not likely that I will do what is evil. So protection is built in to doing good and seeking peace.

But “Your eyes are on me” is also an awesome reassurance! I know that You see everything! Nothing that happens to me is beyond Your notice.   And You will rescue and defend me when I need help.

Your ears are attentive to my cry.”   You are as close as a whisper. And when I call, “You hear me; You deliver me from all my troubles”.   Does this mean I will never have difficulties? No. But I will always know that You are with me. That You will deliver me and give me Your peace.

“You are close to the brokenhearted.” Oh Father, I have been there. Circumstances in my life that have been the result of illnesses, accidents, injustice, evil – even my own ignorance or pride – they break my heart and bring me to my knees. But in it all, I know that again, You are here. You are with me. You will help me through, no matter what. You will lend me Your strength.

Thank You Father, that I have these assurances of Your attention, of Your presence, of Your power to save me. It is all I need. Amen

Psalm 34:11-22

July 19 Walk Your path of Righteousness

adventure-1846095_640Father, David proclaimed “Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things”. He was amazed and pleased at the abundance of gifts the people poured out for the building of Your Temple. And he acknowledged “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” I completely agree.

Like the Israelites, teach me to be generous with all You have given me: money, energy, time, words, music, talents, spiritual gifts. Help me spend myself on You and Your purposes and Your people. David prayed for the people, and I echo “keep this desire in my heart forever, and keep my heart loyal to You…give me wholehearted devotion to keep Your commands.”

Since I have Your righteousness, Lord, help me behave that way. Remind me to speak the truth from my heart. If I open my mouth to speak a lie or to deceive, shut it. Show me how to speak the truth in love, and not be hurtful to people in the name of ‘honesty’.

Help me treat my neighbor with decency and fairness, not cheating or taking advantage.   Keep me away from malicious gossip. Give me the fortitude to turn away from those who are evil and untrustworthy, even if society embraces them or it seems it would benefit me. Let me truly love and support those who honor and respect You and Your values.

Help me be true to my word, even when it costs me. Teach me to be smart with my finances, to be generous, and not extort interest from the needy. Strengthen me so I am not tempted by bribes.

Psalm 15 promises that those “who do these things will never be shaken”. Father, You give me solid ground to stand on. Help me be unwavering and not overwhelmed by forces that seek to undo me.   With Your help I can stand strong, and not be moved. Thank You. Amen

I Chronicles 29:1-30; Psalm 15:1-5

June 4 My All

Father, I am not free of sin like David in this psalm. I have not been obedient to all Your laws or kept all Your ways. And yet, I have Your righteousness. You cover me with the blood You shed at Calvary, giving me the status of being righteous in Your sight.

cross-1177327_640With this status, You are my lamp, turning the darkness around me into light so I can see and not be afraid.

You help me fight against the enemy and allow me to scale walls.

You become my shield and my refuge.

You arm me with strength, enable me and train me for the conflicts that come so I can stand firm.

I can say with David, “You give me Your shield of victory, You stoop down to make me great. You broaden the path beneath me so that my ankles do not turn.” You provide all this care I do not deserve.

So I will lift up Your name. I will give You the praise of my lips and the worship of my voice. You are my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer. You are the Rock upon which I base my faith. I can trust in You. Thank You.  Amen

2 Samuel 22:21-51

Jan 17 Be my guide

right-238369_1280Lord, I desire to dwell with You in Your sanctuary. And to live on Your holy hill. Your Word tells me how.

Help me keep my walk blameless and do what is righteous according to Your standards. When I am not sure which is the right way, give me discernment. When I know what is right, give me strength to do what is right. Keep me from temptation that would entice me to act unjustly or immorally. Do not let me be drawn into evil or behave badly for personal gain.

Help me speak the truth from my heart, even when it is more convenient to lie. I desire to be honest in my speech and in my actions. Do not allow me to speak ill of others or be a gossip.

Help me treat my neighbor as I want to be treated, with respect and compassion. Teach me to hate what is wrong and vile; not calling what is good evil, or what is evil, good. And to stand up for right, defending those who are defenseless. Show me how to recognize and give honor to those who are godly and live their lives in the fear of the Lord.

When I make a promise, help me keep my word, even when it is not convenient. Even when it costs me more that I thought it would. Let my yes be yes and my no be no.

When I can lend to one in need, do not let me take advantage of their need for my own profit. But let me act compassionately. When it is profitable to deceive others, let me turn away from that temptation. Do not let me accept a bribe or cause harm to the innocent.

Teach me and strengthen me to walk in this way, to live uprightly and to love mercy. Living this kind of life will give me confidence and courage. It will be an example to my children and to others. And it will help me to honor You. This is my desire. Amen

Psalm 15:1-5


Oct 26 You control…

personwaterarmsup.jpegFather, at the time Babylon captured Your people Judah, she was just a tool in Your hand. Not the end-all power she believed she was. And she will be judged and punished, even as she was used as the tool to punish Israel. All the kingdoms You sent prophecies about fell as You said they would.

You sent Jeremiah carefully chosen words to describe the coming destruction of other kingdoms, and they all came true: ”Concerning Damascus…troubled like the restless sea”. “Concerning Kedar and Hazor…scatter to the winds”. “I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four corners of heaven”.   “Concerning Babylon…I will kindle a fire…that will consume all…a drought on her waters”. They remind me that You are in total control of Your creation! You control the winds, fire, drought and seas.

They responded at Creation when You made them and set their limits over the earth. When You walked the earth, You stood in a boat and spoke to a storm, commanding the winds and rain: “Peace, be still”.   And today’s Psalms speak of the earth being glad and rejoicing!

What a picture! “Clouds and thick darkness surround You…fire goes before You…Your lightening lights up the world.” All at Your command. You are still in control, holding authority over all the earth! The earth responds to You: “the earth sees and trembles…mountains melt like wax…heavens proclaim Your righteousness…seas resound…rivers clap their hands, mountains sing together for joy.”

If this is the response of the earth, how can I do less? Father, I shout for joy! I burst into jubilant song. I make music with whatever instrument I can – all to glorify my God! You are the only god who is the real God! I exalt You over all things, all people, all powers. I rejoice because You are a righteous and just God. Because You carry out Your judgments in righteousness. Because You are loving and faithful. Because You have saved me! You are the One True Almighty God. And there is no other! Amen

Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Psalm 97:1-98:9

Oct 9 Evidence of Belief

Father, Jeremiah saw wicked people prospering and called for their demise. You answered saying their end was coming. I see much the same today. People who have denied You and live their lives for fame, power or profit are indeed prospering. My society elevates them rather than calling for righteousness. And every day the time approaches when You will uproot and destroy them.

hammer-802296_640So how do I choose to live in these times? I will remember that You have chosen me. You have set me apart. So I will not seek the things society promotes. But will seek to be like the believers at the church at Thessalonica. Paul said of them: “Your faith has become known everywhere”.   Father, let me live a life that these words will be true of me also.

Many years ago, a Sunday School teacher was telling about believers who were being persecuted in another country. And she asked, ‘If you were on trial today, would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?’ That really stuck with me. Help me live in a way that my faith in You is evident without a doubt.

Like the Thessalonians, let me also show “[my] work produced by faith, [my] labor prompted by love, and [my] endurance inspired by hope in [my] Lord Jesus Christ.” Show me how to work alongside You, not just look for anything I can do to stay busy. Let me see where You are working, and join You in a faithful labor of love. Let my hope in You inspire and hearten me to continue in whatever task You show me.

The Thessalonians were inspired to endure hardship and trials by the hope that You would return to earth soon. I too am encouraged to be steady in my faith, believing that the time is nearing when You will return to earth, bringing eternal rewards. Thank You that Your Word is true. Thank You that Your justice is right. And that in Your Sovereignty and Authority, You are righteous! Amen

Jeremiah 12:1-17, I Thessalonians 1-2:8

Sept 6 A Day of Rejoicing!

PrayerPraiseMorningO Father, Your Word paints a glorious picture of You returning to judge Your people! I can see it in my mind’s eye as a massive, wall-sized painting with rays of light gleaming from Your figure, and shadows playing in the storm clouds around You with strikes of lightening flashing out. Just like a painting the old masters would have painted – like Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Or maybe as a majestic motion picture, with powerful, turbulent action between the fire and the storm like Cecil B. DeMille’s Ten Commandments.

When I speak Your Words, the action begins as You appear in slow motion: “The Mighty One… God… The Lord… You speak and summon the earth…You are perfect in beauty, You shine forth…A fire devours before You and around You a tempest rages…the heavens proclaim Your Righteousness.” The most beautiful, powerful being imaginable appears in the sky, advancing slowly. Flames precede You, lashing out with almost blinding light and incredible heat. And around You, clouds, dark and terrible, build; billowing and blowing, roiling up and out, far and wide, with flashes of lightening shocking the sky. And from the darkness of the storm, rays of light shine forth out of Your very being. Your voice thunders through the heavens and rumbles down to the earth causing trembling in the rocks and ground.   And in the background, the booming voices of ten thousand angels sing out, glorifying You!

“The heavens proclaim His righteousness” and I fall on my knees in reverence of You to join in the praise to honor You. What a day of rejoicing that will be! To be in Your presence. To see You in Your glory. What a powerful vision! To You, I offer all praise, all honor, all thanks. Amen

Psalm 50:1-7