Tag: conduct

June 7 Widom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer:

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong.  Not simply in physical strength.  But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation.

Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times.  And just as gracious and generous in the good times.  Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just.  Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love.

Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes.  Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord.  Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances.  Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way.  Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You.  Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4Proverbs 16:25

Jun 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer:

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong.  Not simply in physical strength.  But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation.

Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times.  And just as gracious and generous in the good times.  Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just.  Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love.

Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes.  Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord.  Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances.  Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way.  Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You.  Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4Proverbs 16:25

June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer:

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong.  Not simply in physical strength.  But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation.

Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard timesAnd just as gracious and generous in the good timesLet us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and justHelp us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love.

Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudesGive us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord.  Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances.  Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way.  Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You.  Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25

June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer:

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong.  Not simply in physical strength.  But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation.

Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard timesAnd just as gracious and generous in the good times.  Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just.  Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love.

Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudesGive us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord.  Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances.  Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way.  Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You.  Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25

June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

David spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer.

wisdom integrity path

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong.  Not simply in physical strength.  But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation.

Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times.  And just as gracious and generous in the good times.  Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just.  Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love.

Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes.  Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord.  Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances.  Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”  Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way.  Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You.  Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25

Dec 10 the lion has roared…

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.” 


Father, You gave a special message to a shepherd, Amos.  Amos questioned “Does a lion roar in the thicket when it has no prey?”  Then answered: “The lion has roared – who will not fear?”  He was telling people there was a real and present danger.

I believe my country is being warned of a real and present danger if the people do not turn back to You.  America has been blessed.  And I believe You will hold it responsible for its national conduct.  Right now, that is not looking good.

You also revealed Your plan to John through Revelation.   He wrote down Your Words to specific churches.  I believe they were real churches at the time, but I also believe the same words are meant for Your church today.

In obedience to these words, would You help me remember that You are my first love; that You come before anything else in my heart.  And let me act accordingly.

Like the church in Ephesus, do not let me tolerate wicked people, or listen to false teachers, or follow the Nicolaitan teachings of lustful immorality and lording church positions and power over lay people.  Give me the strength to “persevere…endure hardships for Your name, and not grow weary.”

Like the churches in Smyrna and Pergamum, let me remember my wealth comes from my relationship with You.  Show me where the evil one is influencing me, or my loved ones so we can reject it.

Increase our faith and our perseverance to remain true to Your Name.  Do not let us be led away from Your teachings by the temptations of Balaam who tempted the Israelites into immorality and idolatry.

Father, thank You for revealing Your plan to Your servants the prophets.  Let me hear and heed these words that are for my life and my country.  Open my ears and my understanding.  Amen

Amos 3:1-15; Revelation 2:1-17


June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer.

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong. Not simply in physical strength. But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation. Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times. And just as gracious and generous in the good times. Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just. Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love. Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes. Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord. Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances. Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way. Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You. Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25