Tag: study

Nov 21 Your Word is Treasure

Father, thank You for warning me not to trust in earthly riches.  Wealth, possessions, gold and silver are not the treasure I seek.  They can lead to greed and the sins that greed temps a person to commit.

cross-2598300_640Rather, I treasure Your Word.  It gives me a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about how to receive Your blessing: something of far greater value.

You Word says I will be blessed when I walk according to the law of the Lordkeep Your statutes and seek You with all [my] heart.”  I can keep my way pure “by living according to Your Word.”   So Father, “I seek You with all my heart: do not let me stray from Your commands.”  I desire to be blessed. Show me how to walk in Your path.

Lord, I will “hide Your Word in my heart.”  I will read it, honor it, study to understand it, memorize it, and do what it says.  When I do not understand it, I will pray for clarity of meaning and how to apply it to my life. 

When people around me say one thing and Your Word says another, give me the conviction to be obedient to Your truth.  Help me see through the misleading lies and the deceiving values of society and not be tripped up by them.  Give me the strength I need to be true to You.

Because You tell me how powerful prayer is, I will pray:

prayer conversations candlefor the wisdom to stay on Your path
giving thanks when I am happy
for healing when I am sick
for help when I am in trouble
for forgiveness when I have sinned.

Father, help my prayers be powerful and effective.

Besides me, so many people need Your help in so many ways. I believe praying for them is one way I can help; even the best way I can help them.

So, like Elijah, I pray earnestly and in faith, knowing that You are the One who can answer.  You have the power, Lord.  And You have the desire to answer.

We are all Your creations, Lord.  Thank You that You love and care for us.  Amen

James 5:1-6; 13-20Psalm 119:1-16

Oct 19 Your speak to me!

person-woman-smartphone-callingFather, You invite me to Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.  Lord, I do call on You.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.

I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  I have…

looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek

made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events

examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture

read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background

read the same passage in different translations

looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity, and changed the way I look at, value, and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and it feels as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.

When I see the mountains, I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by Your immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

And yet I don’t fully understand

how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You

how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one

how to keep my temper and not let irritability get the better of me

how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated

how to live every day to honor You in the midst of today’s challenges and struggles

Father, teach me, show me, help me.  I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more and more great and unsearchable things.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

Jun 19 Your Word, Your Spirit, Your Voice

Father, how amazing that You spoke through prophets to Israel’s kings to give them direction, correction, even advice on successful battle plans!  You sent specific word to Ahab that he should fight against the 33 kings and their armies and chariots assembled.  You told him who should lead the attack, when, and who would win.

I often wish there were such easily discernible ways I could hear from You.  If only You would send me an email, or write across the sky to inform me about decisions or concerns I face.

And then I realize – You have written me a letter – It’s Your Holy Word- the Bible!

God's Word 3Precept??If I take the time to read it, often things become clear.  If I had never read the Bible, I wouldn’t know that in it, You have already included instructions for godly, moral living.

You have made Yourself very clear on many topics that relate to me today.  Instead of hearing of and memorizing only scattered verses, I need to know the entirety of what You have to say to me.

So, reading Your word is a start.  Studying it for a deeper understanding is also important.  Then connecting the dots to how what You have said impacts my life, is crucial.

Some Bible study methods have big words for this: observation, interpretation, application.  Very simply, it is asking:

What are You saying? 

What does it mean? 

What does it mean to me

So a big part of the burden to hear from You is on me to listen to what You have already said.

But to help me even moreYou have given every believer the Holy Spirit.

Part of the Holy Spirit’s job is to help me understand, apply, and live by what Your Word says to me.  I need to pay attention to what it’s telling me, and be obedient, not ignore, discard, or drown out what I hear.

Thank You that I can hear from You just as specifically as those who heard the prophets speak.  You have given me so much more so I can know You and understand You.

Thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit.

Help me make reading and studying Your Word a priority for my time and energy.  And do not let me quench the Holy Spirit.

And thank You that I can even talk to You personally in prayer.  And know that You hear me.  And that You answer.  What an awesome God!  Amen

I Kings 20:1-22

Nov 21 Your Word is treasure

Father, thank You for warning me not to trust in earthly riches.  Wealth, possessions, gold and silver are not the treasure I seek.  They can lead to greed and the sins that greed temps a person to commit.

cross-2598300_640Rather, I treasure Your WordIt gives me a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about how to receive Your blessing: something of far greater value.

You Word says I will be blessed when I walk according to the law of the Lordkeep Your statutes and seek You with all [my] heart.”  I can keep my way pure “by living according to Your Word.”   So Father, “I seek You with all my heart: do not let me stray from Your commands.”  I desire to be blessed; show me how to walk in Your path.

Lord, I will “hide Your Word in my heart.”  I will read it, honor it, study to understand it, memorize it, and do what it says.  When I do not understand it, I will pray for clarity of meaning and how to apply it to my life. 

When people around me say one thing and Your Word says another, give me the conviction to be obedient to Your truth.  Help me see through the misleading lies and the deceiving values of society and not be tripped up by them.  Give me the strength I need to be true to You.

Because You tell me how powerful prayer is, I will pray

prayer conversations candlefor the wisdom to stay on Your path
giving thanks when I am happy
for healing when I am sick
for help when I am in trouble
for forgiveness when I have sinned.

Father, help my prayers be powerful and effective.

Besides me, so many people need Your help in so many ways. I believe praying for them is one way I can help; even the best way I can help them.

So, like Elijah, I pray earnestly and in faith, knowing that You are the One who can answer.  You have the power, Lord.  And You have the desire to answer.

We are all Your creations, Lord.  Thank You that You love and care for us.  Amen

James 5:1-6; 13-20; Psalm 119:1-16

Oct 19 You speak to me!

person-woman-smartphone-callingFather, You invite me to Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.  Lord, I do call on You.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.

I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  I have…

looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek

made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events

examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture

read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background

read the same passage in different translations

looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity, and changed the way I look at, value, and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and it feels as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.

When I see the mountains, I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by Your immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

And yet I don’t fully understand

how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You

how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one

how to keep my temper and not let irritability get the better of me

how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated

how to live every day to honor You in the midst of today’s challenges and struggles

Father, teach me, show me, help me.  I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more and more great and unsearchable things.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

June 19 Your Word, Your Spirit, Your Voice

Father, how amazing that You spoke through prophets to Israel’s kings to give them direction, correction, even advice on successful battle plans!  You sent specific word to Ahab that he should fight against the 33 kings and their armies and chariots assembled.  You told him who should lead the attack, when, and who would win.

I often wish there were such easily discernible ways I could hear from You.  If only You would send me an email, or write across the sky to inform me about decisions or concerns I face.

And then I realizeYou have written me a letter – It’s Your Holy Word- the Bible!

God's Word 3Precept??If I take the time to read it, often things become clear.  If I had never read the Bible, I wouldn’t know that in it, You have already included instructions for godly, moral living.

You have made Yourself very clear on many topics that relate to me today.  Instead of hearing of and memorizing only scattered verses, I need to know the entirety of what You have to say to me.

So, reading Your word is a startStudying it for a deeper understanding is also importantThen connecting the dots to how what You have said impacts my life, is crucial.

Some Bible study methods have big words for this: observation, interpretation, application.  Very simply, it is asking:

What are You saying? 

What does it mean? 

What does it mean to me

So a big part of the burden to hear from You is on me to listen to what You have already said.

But to help me even more, You have given every believer the Holy Spirit.

Part of the Holy Spirit’s job is to help me understand, apply, and live by what Your Word says to me.  I need to pay attention to what it’s telling me, and be obedient, not ignore, discard, or drown out what I hear.

Thank You that I can hear from You just as specifically as those who heard the prophets speak.  You have given me so much more so I can know You and understand You.

Thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit.

Help me make reading and studying Your Word a priority for my time and energy.  And do not let me quench the Holy Spirit.

And thank You that I can even talk to You personally in prayer.  And know that You hear me.  And that You answer.  What an awesome God!  Amen

I Kings 20:1-22

May 1 I believe

219785“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

In today’s scripture You come onto the scene and are recognized as Messiah, the Lamb of God, the One who saves!

You came in the flesh, to my physical world to sacrifice Yourself to make a way for me to be reconciled to You.  You are the Only Way.  Yet there are still people who do not recognize You for who You are.

John recognized You because he was spiritually aware.  You revealed to him that the one on whom he saw the Spirit of a dove come down and rest, was the Son of God.  He saw the Spirit rest on You so he could know for certain, proclaim and testify that You are the Son of God.  

Two of John’s disciples first followed You because they had studied with JohnThey knew the scriptures, the prophecies and trusted John’s testimony, so they believed.  Nathanael believed because You knew things about him You could not have naturally known.

Lord God, You call and You saveBut it is my personal decision whether to respond to or ignore Your call.

I accept Your free gift of eternal salvation, but there are so many who do not.

Lord God, Your Word says it is Your will that every single human being would be saved from the penalty of their sin.  That penalty is death, eternal separation from You.  You desire that they would answer Your call and accept Your payment for that sin and be reconciled to You.

Some will come to You because they are aware of spiritual truth, like John.

Some will come because they study out the scriptures for themselves, or because someone they trust will share with them, like John’s disciples.

Some will come because they see You doing things, miracles, that are not naturally possible.

The pandemic has caused many people to consider eternity and what happens after our life here on earth. Father, lead them to a saving knowledge of You.

Open their ears so they hear Your call.  Sensitize their minds, hearts, and spirits so they are ready to accept Your salvation.  And show me how I can speak or act in a way that will draw people to You.  Use me to point them to “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”

A time is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  I can’t wait!  Amen

John 1:29-51

Nov 21 Your Word is Treasure

Father thank You for warning me not to trust in earthly riches.  Wealth, possessions, gold and silver are not the treasure I seek.  They can lead to greed and the sins that greed temps a person to commit.

cross-2598300_640Rather, I treasure Your Word.  It gives me a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about how to receive Your blessing: something of far greater value.

You Word says I will be blessed when I walk according to the law of the Lordkeep Your statutes and seek You with all [my] heart.”  I can keep my way pure “by living according to Your Word.”   So Father, “I seek You with all my heart: do not let me stray from Your commands.”  I desire to be blessed; show me how to walk in Your path.

Lord, I will “hide Your Word in my heart.”  I will read it, honor it, study to understand it, memorize it, and do what it says.  When I do not understand it, I will pray for clarity of meaning and how to apply it to my life. 

When people around me say one thing and Your Word says another, give me the conviction to be obedient to Your truth.  Help me see through the misleading lies and the deceiving values of society and not be tripped up by them.  Give me the strength I need to be true to You.

Because You tell me how powerful prayer is, I will pray

prayer conversations candlefor the wisdom to stay on Your path

giving thanks when I am happy

for healing when I am sick

for help when I am in trouble

for forgiveness when I have sinned.

Father, help my prayers be powerful and effective.

Besides me, so many people need Your help in so many ways. I believe praying for them is one way I can help; even the best way I can help them.

So, like Elijah, I pray earnestly and in faith, knowing that You are the One who can answer.  You have the power, Lord.  And You have the desire to answer.

We are all Your creations, Lord.  Thank You that You love and care for us.  Amen

James 5:1-6; 13-20; Psalm 119:1-16

Oct 19 God Speaks


Father, You invite me to Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.

So I call on You now.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.

I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  I have

looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek

made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events

examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture

read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background

read the same passage in different translations

looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity, and changed the way I look at, value, and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and feel as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.

When I see the mountains, I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by Your immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

And yet I don’t understand

how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You

how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one

how to keep my temper and not let irritability get the better of me

how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated

how to live every day to honor You in the midst of today’s challenges and struggles

Father, teach me, show me, help me.  I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more and more great and unsearchable things.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

Oct 19 God Speaks!

person-woman-smartphone-callingFather, You invite me to Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.  Lord, I do call on You.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.

I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  I have

looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek

made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events

examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture

read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background

read the same passage in different translations

looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity, and changed the way I look at, value, and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and feel as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.

When I see the mountains, I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by You immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

And yet I don’t’ understand

how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You

how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one

how to keep my temper and not let irritability get the better of me

how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated

how to live every day to honor You in the midst of today’s challenges and struggles

Father, teach me, show me, help me.  I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more and more great and unsearchable things.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

Oct 19 God Speaks


Father, You invite me to “Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.”

Lord, I do call on You.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.  I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  These are the three main questions scholars study to understand what is also called Observation, Interpretation, and Application.

I have looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek languages.  And made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events to make things clear in my mind.  I have examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture to understand better.

I have read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background for scriptures.  And read the same passage in different translations to shed more light on meaning.  And looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning.

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity.  It has changed the way I look at and value and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and feel as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.  When I see the mountains, I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by You immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.  Floating on the waves, I feel the surge and power of the water, and the unseen forces that pull me out to sea.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more great and unsearchable things to me.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

Oct 19 God Speaks


Father, You invite me to “Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.”  Lord, I do call on You.  For there is so much I do not know!

Father, help me understand more of Your Word.  I have studied long and hard to answer the questions:  What does scripture say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean to me?  These are the three main questions scholars study to understand what is also called Observation, Interpretation, and Application.

I have looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek languages.  And made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events to make things clear in my mind.  I have examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture to understand better.

I have read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background for scriptures.  And read the same passage in different translations to shed more light on meaning.  And looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning.

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity.  It has changed the way I look at and value and am amazed by Your precious Word.

Other times I have simply read Your Word, and feel as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately.  Father, keep speaking!  Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life.  Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation.  When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love.  When I see the mountains I envision Your grandeur and strength.

As I watch the ocean, I am awed by You immenseness.  And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another.  It is mesmerizing, comforting.  Floating on the waves, I feel the surge and power of the water, and the unseen forces that pull me out to sea.

Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty.  All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You.  Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

Colors, sounds, wind, smells – all these things and more draw me to You and Your creative character.  It all makes me wonder: what would this awesome, amazing, majestic God, want with me?

Father, show me how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You.  Show me how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one to honor You.

Teach me to not let my temper and irritability get the better of me.  Show me how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated.  These are some of the things that I do not know that hamper my everyday living to honor You.

I call to You.  As You answer me, reveal more great and unsearchable things to me.  Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

June 19 Your Word, Your Spirit, Your Voice

God's Word 3Precept??

Father, how amazing that You sent Your Word through prophets to the kings of Israel to give them direction, instruction, correction, even advice on successful battle plans! You sent specific word to Ahab to determine that he should fight against the thirty-three kings and their armies and chariots assembled. You told him who should lead the attack, when, and who would win!

I often wish there were such easily discernable ways I could hear from You. If only You would send me an email, or write across the sky to inform me about decisions or concerns I face.

And then I realize – You have written me a letter! It’s Your Holy Word. If I take the time to read it, often, things become clear. If I had never read the Bible, I wouldn’t know that in it, You have already included instructions for godly, moral living.

You have already made Yourself very clear on many topics that relate to me today. Instead of hearing of and memorizing only scattered verses, I need to feed myself, and know the entirety of what You have to say to me.

So, reading Your word is a start. Studying it for a deeper understanding is also important. Then connecting the dots to how what You have said impacts my life, is crucial. Some Bible study methods have big words for this: observation, interpretation, application. Very simply, it is asking: What are You saying? What does it mean? What does it mean to me?

A big part of the burden to hear from You, then, is on me to listen to what You have already said. But to help me even more, You have given me, and every believer, the Holy Spirit. Part of the Holy Spirit’s job is to help me understand, apply, and live by what Your Word says to me. I need to pay attention to what it is telling me, and be obedient, not ignore, discard, or drown out what I hear.

Thank You that I can hear from You just as specifically as those who heard the prophets speak. You have given me so much more to help me in knowing You and understanding You

Thank You for Your Word.

Thank You for the Holy Spirit.

Help me make reading and studying Your Word a priority for my time and energy.

Do not let me quench the Holy Spirit.

And thank You that I can even talk to You personally in prayer. And know that You hear me. And trust that You’ll answer. What an awesome God! Amen

I Kings 20:1-22



June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer.

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong. Not simply in physical strength. But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation. Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times. And just as gracious and generous in the good times. Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just. Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love. Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes. Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord. Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances. Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way. Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You. Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25

Oct 19 You speak to me…


Father, You invite me to “Call to You and You will tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know.” Lord, I do call on You. For there is so much I do not know!

Father, would You help me understand more of Your Word. I have studied long and hard to answer the questions: What does scripture say? What does it mean? What does it mean to me? These are the three main questions scholars study to understand what is also called Observation, Interpretation, and Application.

I have looked up definitions of words used in the original Hebrew and Greek languages. And made lists of key words, comparisons and contrasts, people, places, events to make things clear in my mind. I have examined cross-references to see where words, phrases and concepts are used elsewhere in scripture to understand better. And read the same passage in different translations to shed more light on meaning. I have read about cultural, political, geographical, and literary contexts to get a better sense of background for scriptures. And looked for and assessed where symbolism is used in addition to the literal meaning.

These studies have brought me much understanding and clarity. And have changed the way I look at and value and am amazed by Your precious Word. Other times I have simply read Your Word, and feel as if You are speaking just to me, so clearly, and so intimately. Father, keep speaking! Use it all to make clear Your love for me, Your purpose for me, Your plan for my life. Let me see where You are working, and how I can join in with You.

I feel close to You when I get in touch with Your creation. When I see the colors of the leaves change, I marvel at the beauty, and how You make seasons for me that each have an attraction that I love. When I see the mountains I envision Your grandeur and strength. As I watch the ocean, I am awed by You immenseness. And by the absolute endless nature of one wave after another. It is mesmerizing, comforting. Floating on the waves, I feel the surge and power of the water, and the unseen forces that pull me out to sea. Your power is often unseen, but strong and mighty. All I experience, seen and unseen teaches me more about You. Continue to speak to me through Your marvelous creation.

Colors, sounds, wind, smells – all these things and more draw me to You and Your creative character. It all makes me wonder: what would this awesome, amazing, majestic God, want with me?

Father, show me how to use the gifts and talents and traits You have placed in me to glorify You. Show me how to overcome the obstacles of my flesh and the world and the evil one to honor You. Teach me how to not let my temper and irritability get the better of me. Show me how to be loving and compassionate when annoyed and frustrated. These are some of the things that I do not know that hamper my everyday living to honor You. So I call to You. As You answer me, reveal more great and unsearchable things to me. Amen

Jeremiah 33:3

Apr 21 Obey Your Word, Walk in Your Presence


In today’s scripture, You give two passages that tell me how to be blessed. I acknowledge and desire to follow those instructions.

Lord, help me “be very strong; to be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left. I will not associate with those who do not follow You by invoking the names of their gods or swear by them. I will not serve them or bow down to them. I will hold fast to You.”

Lord, I can only be careful to obey Your Word if I know Your Word. So I will read it and study to understand it. I will pray and ask for understanding when I am confused or in doubt. I will not ever call upon the names of other gods, because there is no other God but You. There is none like You. There is no other name under heaven by which I am saved. Your power alone created the universe. I will worship You alone, and seek Your direction and wisdom for my life.

The next passage tells me “blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence”.   Father, I give glory to Your name only, because of who You are and what You have done. You are Most Holy God. You are all-powerful and all-knowing. You created the heavens and the earth. You created man and set him in this place to have fellowship with You. When he broke that fellowship by sinning, You made a way of reconciling man to You: through Your blood on the cross. And because I accept that gift I can walk in the light of Your presence once again.

The light of Your presence is where truth is revealed, nothing is hidden, nothing is feared. Your presence dispels darkness. To be present with You is to talk with You and listen to You – Your responses in prayer, in Your Word and through the Holy Spirit. It is to rest in You, fearing nothing.

So I rejoice in Your name. I trust in Your righteousness. You are my protection, my King, the Holy One. And I am blessed. Amen

Joshua 22:21-23:8; Psalm 89:14-18