Tag: moral

May 29 Your Word is Light

book light on girlLord Jesus, thank You for sending Your Word to me.  You created this entire place for me to live, the planet, solar system, universe; much like I would plan a nursery for a loved and expected baby.

You worked out everything just right – gravity, air pressure, temperature, light, radiation – more things than I can imagine – to work together perfectly to sustain my life.  Just seeing this amazing creation communicates the existence of the designer.

Somehow, Your existence was translated down so that even in places where no
modern man has ever been
, people know of and worship You.  But for me, You made sure there was a written record of Your presence, of Your purpose, and of Your love for me.

“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  When it is dark, unseen hazards can trip me up, causing falls and even injuries.  Things that could be stepped over or around if seen become potentially dangerous obstacles.

So it is in life.  Even when the sun is out and visibility is good, unseen things are at work that can cause problems.  Emotions, motivations, misinformation and schemes can all trip me up.  Your Word can help me be aware of and deal with such issues so I can avoid the potential fall or injury.

Your Word shines a light on my circumstances by giving me perspective.  Or by helping me see truth.  Or by making me wise to my own condition.  It gives me guidance in how to make decisions.

Your Word provides me with a moral compass.  It reminds me that my value comes from You, not the world’s view of success.  It warns me of things like “pride goes before a fall” and “better to have a little honestly than much by illicit gain.”

By illuminating truth with Your Word, You keep my feet steady on the path and keep me from stumbling.   “Accept O Lord, the willing praise from my mouth.”  Thank You!  Thank You!  Amen

Psalm 119:98, 105

May 29 Your Word is Light

book light on girl

Lord Jesus, thank You for sending Your Word to me.  You created this entire place for me to live, the planet, solar system, universe; much like I would plan a nursery for a loved and expected baby.

You worked out everything just right – gravity, air pressure, temperature, light, radiation – more things than I can imagine – to work together perfectly to sustain my life.  Just seeing this amazing creation communicates the existence of the designer.

Somehow, Your existence was translated down so that even in places where no “
“modern” man has ever been, there is knowledge of and worship of You.  But for me, You made sure there was a written record of Your presence, of Your purpose, and of Your love for me.

“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  When it is dark, unseen hazards can trip me up, causing falls and even injuries.  Things that could be stepped over or around if seen become potentially dangerous obstacles.

So it is in life.  Even when the sun is out and visibility is good, unseen things are at work that can cause problems.  Emotions, motivations, misinformation and schemes can all trip me up.  Your Word can help me be aware of and deal with such issues so I can avoid the potential fall or injury.

Your Word shines a light on my circumstances by giving me perspective.  Or by helping me see truth.  Or by making me wise to my own condition.  It gives me guidance in how to make decisions.

Your Word provides me with a moral compass.  It reminds me that my value comes from You, not the world’s view of  success.  It warns me of things like “pride goes before a fall” and “better to have a little honestly than much by illicit gain.”

By illuminating truth with Your Word, You keep my feet steady on the path and keep me from stumbling.   “Accept O Lord, the willing praise from my mouth.”  Thank You!  Thank You!  Amen

Psalm 119:105,108

Apr 3 Our laws are Your laws

Father, I am amazed by how much of the moral code You gave in Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is represented in our legal system today.

JohnAdamsQuote585The last several days’ readings are filled with issues represented in our country’s legal code.   Standards are set for maintaining property lines, fair measures in trade, witnesses being necessary rather than relying on hearsay testimony, determination of false testimony and punishing it.  It is not merely causing a death, but consideration of motivation behind the act that is judged; whether there is “malice aforethought.”

You deal with property law when passing an inheritance, capital punishment, homeowner’s liability, divorce, charging interest on loans and how to handle collateral.  In all Your determinations You call for justice to all, and for mercy in the care for the underprivileged and marginalized.

Our second president and signer of the Constitution, John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Our constitutional and legal values came from the Bible.  You knew, way back then, what our society would need today.  And provided for it.

Even beyond our country’s laws is Your law of sin and death.  And when I fail and sin, You have made a way of placing me back in right standing with You.  You took upon Yourself the penalty of my sin, and paid my debt.

But for those who do not accept Your payment, there will be a reckoning.   If they refuse Your gift, they will spend eternity separated from You.  They will be held accountable for the decision they make, whether to accept You as God, or reject You.

Thank You for being a just law-giver.  Strengthen me to turn away from sin and obey the laws You’ve given us. Bring our country back to a godly moral standard.

Thank You Father, that You who judge, are just. Amen

Deuteronomy 17:1-25:16


June 7 Wisdom and Integrity

wisdom integrity pathDavid spoke a wonderful charge to his son, Solomon. It is also my prayer.

Father, help my children and loved ones, and myself be strong. Not simply in physical strength. But help us be of strong character, so we can stand and not fall in the face of temptation. Help us be tough and resilient in the face of hard times. And just as gracious and generous in the good times. Let us be known as men and women who are obedient to You, following You in the kind of life You teach us to live.

Help us walk in Your ways in the everyday decisions of our lives, and choose what is right and just. Help us conduct our business and relationships openly and honestly, speaking the truth in love. Teach us to hold to Your moral standards in our conduct and attitudes. Give us understanding and discernment when we are unsure.   Remind us to study and know Your Word so it can guide and enlighten us.

Help us live out our lives in faith before You, Lord. Not half-heartedly, but with all our heart and soul; seeking Your wisdom, and applying it correctly to our circumstances. Let this yield prosperity in all we do wherever we go .

Proverbs says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Let me, my family and loved ones know Your way. Let us live our lives according to it and find eternal life with You. Amen

1 Kings 2:1-4; Proverbs 16:25

Apr 7 No Rock like our God

american-flag-1272115_640Lord, do not let me be a nation without sense, with no discernment, like Israel was. When You gave them an inheritance and set up boundaries for Your people according to the number of their sons, You shielded and carried them. You protected them and guarded them as an eagle cares for and trains its young.

You nourished them with the best, and yet, when they became fat and sleek, satisfied, they turned from You. They abandoned the God who gave them all they had, and sought other ‘gods’.   They became perverse and unfaithful, not caring that it would call down Your curses and judgment on them and their children.

Father, give me discernment so I can know when I am being tempted away from You with the values and philosophies of this world. Help me be wise and understand that there are consequences to my decisions and actions. Give me the ability to be able to think ahead and see where things will lead so I can choose what will lead me to a closer relationship with You.

Father, give the leaders of my country sense to see where they are taking our people with their choices as well. Give them discernment and wisdom to know that Your judgment is real and You will not be mocked. Our Constitution was written to govern a moral people, and when morality fails, we have little hope of living in safety or security.

I can already see signs that we have gone too far.   We, as a people – even Believers, have put You to the test and rebelled against You, the Lord Most High. We have not kept Your statutes. We have become disloyal and faithless.

Do not reject us O God. Do not abandon us. But show us the error of our ways; teach us to walk rightly again and make wise decisions that honor You. Help me give You the place in my life that You deserve.

Remind me to read Your Word so it can guide and encourage me. Recall to my mind, Your faithfulness to me in the past: all the ways You have protected and delivered me. Speak to me when I pray to You, giving me direction. Let me feel Your presence near me, assuring me of your love, healing my wounds, and giving me Your peace.

Thank You that You are the One True God, the Most High, who will never leave me or forsake me. Thank You that Your faithfulness endures forever. I praise You for Your unending love. You are my God. Amen

Deuteronomy 32:28-43; Psalm 78:56-64

Apr 3 Your laws are our laws


Father, I am amazed by how much of the moral code You gave in Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is represented in our legal system today. The last several days’ readings are filled with issues represented in our country’s legal code.   Standards are set for maintaining property lines, fair measures in trade, witnesses being necessary rather than relying on hearsay testimony, determination of false testimony and punishing it. It is not merely causing a death, consideration of motivation behind the act that is judged, whether there is ‘malice aforethought’.

You deal with property law when passing an inheritance, capital punishment, homeowner’s liability, divorce, charging interest on loans and how to handle collateral. In all Your determinations You call for justice to all, and for mercy in the care for the underprivileged and marginalized.

Our second president and signer of the Constitution, John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  Our constitutional and legal values came from the Bible. You knew, way back then, what our society would need today. And provided for it.

But beyond our country’s laws is Your law of sin and death. And when I fail and sin, You have made a way of placing me back in right standing with You. You took upon Yourself the penalty of my sin, and paid my debt.

But for those who do not accept Your payment, there will be a reckoning.  If they refuse Your gift, they will spend eternity separated from You. They will be held accountable for the decision they make, whether to accept You as God, or reject You.

Thank You for being a just law-giver.  Strengthen me to turn away from sin and obey the laws You’ve given us. Bring our country back to a godly moral standard. Thank You Father, that You who judge, are just. Amen

Deuteronomy 17:1-25:16